Chapter 16

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The drive to Nik's house was quiet and I could feel him staring at me as I drove. When I pulled into the driveway, I quickly got out, going up the steps. I was about to open the front door when Nik grabbed onto my wrist. "What, Nik?" I sighed, my hand frozen on the knob. A hybrid brushed past us, leading Elena into the house.

"I want to apologize," he admitted.

"For what?" I asked, quietly.

"Everything. For blaming you for something that wasn't your fault and for doubting you. I know I haven't exactly been the best boyfriend." His hand moved down to mine as he looked away from me.

I shook my head, moving his face back to mine, "Nik, you have been a wonderful boyfriend. I mean, yeah, there are some things you could change, like stop daggering my only friend, but I love you the way you are and nothing will ever change that."

"Good, but you know, I dagger Rebekah for good reason."

"Daggering her because she annoys you is not a good reason, Nik," I told him, raising an eyebrow.


Sitting on the couch in Nik's art room, I debated on whether or not I should bring up the thought that's been running through my mind for the past few days. I didn't know how Nik would react. Would he agree with it? Or would he completely shut down the idea? Before I could decide, my mouth opened and words were spilling out. "Hey, Nik?" My eyes flickered up to him as he stood on the other side of the room, his back to me, painting a picture.

"Yes, love?" He mumbled, not bothering to turn around to look at me.

"I-I was thinking that if we found the cure that, maybe, I would...take it," my voice died out at the end, worried about his reaction. He turned to look at me, his eyebrows furrowed.


"I was thinking that I would –," he cut me off, shaking his head.

"I heard what you said. I just don't understand why you would want to take it." He put his paint brush and palette down, coming over to sit next to me.

"Well, as you know, when I was human, Henry and I planned to get married, have children, and grow old. That was what I was expecting my future to be like. But then all of that changed when my mother turned me. After becoming a vampire, I knew that it would be impossible for me to have children. And for a long time, I was okay with that. Then I met you. And I fell in love with you. And I started to think about it again. You know, what if we found a way? How would Nik feel about all of this? Would he be against it? Would he be okay with it? There was no way for me to know unless I asked. And I was going to, but then I started worrying about your response. What if you didn't like the idea and got mad that I had even suggested it? Or what if you agreed to it, but then we couldn't find a way to make it happen? It seems as if, no matter which way it went, something would have been different between us. So I put the thought out of my mind. That is, until you and Rebekah mentioned that there was a cure for vampirism. I figured that if you agreed to it, I could take the cure and we could attempt to start a family. You would finally have the family you've always wanted. A family that would be there for you and love you. No matter what." As I finished my rant, I looked up at him, trying to gauge his reaction. He looked like he was deep in thought. I sat there for what seemed like an eternity, just waiting for him to say something. Finally his eyes flickered up to meet mine.

"Okay." Quickly standing up, I threw my arms out, letting them drop to my side as I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Oh, come on, Nik!" I began to pace as I spoke, "Just think about it! We could have little werewolf babies running around this house. We could move up another level with our relationship. I mean we've only been together for – wait. Did you say 'okay'?" I stared at him, eyebrows raised, unsure if I heard him correctly.

"Yes, I did."

"So, you think that I should take the cure, so that we can have children? You're okay with me being human? With me growing old as you live on for an eternity?" Standing up, he came over to me, grabbing my face with both of his hands, gently rubbing his thumbs over my cheeks.

"Yes. If having children is what you want, then I'll do it. I'd do anything to make you happy, kitten. You know that. And who says you'll grow old? After you have as many children as you want, I'll turn you back into a vampire and we can live on forever." I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face as I reached up, covering his hands with my own. Pressing my lips to his quickly, I pulled away, leaning my forehead against his.

"I love you so much, Nik."

So this chapter is a little short, but that's okay. There will be longer ones in the future.

I know I'm updating pretty early, but I'm not gonna be home all day as I am getting my hair cut and colored (finally!!)

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2017.

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