Chapter 17

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A drink was set down in front of me as Nik and I surveyed the people in the Grill, wondering what – or should I say who – we should have to eat

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A drink was set down in front of me as Nik and I surveyed the people in the Grill, wondering what – or should I say who – we should have to eat. "Thank you," I muttered to the bartender, taking a sip.

"Place looks pretty good considering a hybrid got blown up in it," I heard Caroline comment as she walked up to where we were sitting.

"Caroline," Nik stated. I growled lowly at how welcoming his tone of voice was.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" I asked, watching her take the seat next to mine.

"I want you to give Elena back," she confessed, eyes flickering between the two of us. I glanced up at Nik, knowing the answer.

"They sent you to sweet talk me. Well, good form, but I'm afraid I can't do it."

"Why not?" She questioned, eyes narrowing slightly.

"She needs his help," I cut in and she scoffed.

"I'm not going to burden you with the gory details. I know you have a lot on your plate already." Pity started to rise within me as Nik brought up her recent break-up.

"That's none of your business actually."

"Caroline, you should know. If Tyler were still sired to Nik, he never would have hurt you. I wouldn't have let him," I admitted as she looked over at me in surprise. "Can I offer you a drink?" She nodded and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a small smile grace Nik's lips. Caroline and I were finally getting along again. Or at least, starting to. A few minutes later, Caroline's phone buzzed and she picked it up. "Everything all right?" I asked, seeing the worried look on her face.

"So, here's the thing," she started, letting out a nervous laugh. "I didn't just come here to try to get you to release Elena."

"You don't say," I retorted, an eyebrow raised.

"I came here to distract you so that Stefan could go to your house and break her out, which he did." My face dropped, hearing her words. "Don't get mad, but then he lost her." Nik quickly jumped out of his seat, fueled by anger, but I stepped in front of him.

"Nik, stop. Slow down. We'll find her," I reassured him before turning to Caroline. "I like you, okay? And we were just starting to become friends again, but if you keep talking, I will kill you. I don't appreciate you using me or my boyfriend and then backstabbing us. That's not what friends do."

"They figured out how to stop the hallucinations," she called as we began to walk away.

Nik turned back, taking a step closer to her, "You have ten seconds to tell me."


The front door to the Lockwood mansion opened, revealing one of Nik's hybrids, Chris. Upon seeing us standing there, he took a step back, Nik following him in. "Going somewhere?" Nik asked, looking up at the tall man. Chris didn't answer, so Nik grabbed him by the throat, pushing him up against the banister to the staircase. I stepped inside, taking Nik's previous spot before moving over to lean against the wall next to the staircase. "When I said don't let her out of your sight, what did you think I meant?"

"It's not his fault! It's mine. I was distracting him. It's my fault she got away!" Tyler yelled, trying to get Nik to let the hybrid go.

"Then maybe you should be the one to die for it," I spat, glaring over at Tyler.

"No one has to die!" Hayley yelled and I quickly sped over to her, grabbing her by the throat.

"How many times do I have to tell you to mind your own damn business?" She gasped for breath, her face covered in fear. Her wolf eyes flashed briefly. "Do it, I dare you."

"Tyler's covering for me. I'm the one that let her go. You want someone dead, go ahead, kill me. I'd rather die than end up as one of his sired little bitches," she commented, still struggling to breathe.

"Don't tempt me, little wolf," I smirked, the thought of killing her sounded very appealing.

"Your existence is to serve me. To please me. Do you understand?" Nik finally let go of Chris, who nodded and I let go of Hayley, taking a step away, but still glaring at her.

"I'm sorry. I won't fail you again."

"No, you won't. Get out of here." Chris hesitated for a moment, unsure if Nik was going to let him go. When he was sure he was safe, he moved towards the door, but stopped short when Stefan stabbed him in the stomach with a stake. He dropped to the floor as Jeremy took a step inside, an ax in his hand.

"Jeremy? What the hell, man?" Tyler yelled as I stepped back to stand next to Nik, who put his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Stefan commented, nodding over to Jeremy, who brought the ax down onto the hybrid, killing him. 

I AM SO SORRY! I was on vacation for my birthday and didn't have my laptop with me so I couldn't update. Just got home today, so here I am, posting a new chapter! (Sorry, it's kind of a crappy one.)

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2017.

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