Chapter 15

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Hearing my phone go off, I made my way into my bedroom, my toothbrush still in my mouth. I picked it up, seeing that I had a text from an unknown number. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but I opened it anyway.

'Your boyfriend crashed our good time. Come get him. –Hayley'

Sighing, I threw my phone down on the bed before going back into the bathroom. As soon as I had finished getting ready, I made my way over to the Lockwood house, not bothering to knock. Letting the door shut behind me, I looked to my left, hearing Hayley talking. She looked over, seeing me standing there. "Where is he?" I asked.

"Kitchen," she replied, nodding her head in that direction. I made my way through the house, finding the kitchen. Nik's back was to the door as he took a swig from the almost-empty bottle in his hand.

"How was Italy?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"It would have been better if you had gone with me. Hell, based on what happened, I should've taken you with." There was a hint of anger in his voice. With a sigh, I moved away, hopping up onto the counter.

"How many times do I have to tell you? That wasn't my fault. I wasn't even there when it happened."

"You should have been. I was counting on you to keep him alive at all costs, even if Stefan couldn't. Looks like the both of you failed," he argued. My anger started to grow, but I pushed it down, not wanting to get into an argument at Tyler's house.

"I didn't come here so you could yell at me for letting a hunter, of all people, die," I told him, holding my frustration back as I hopped off the counter.

"Then why are you here?" He asked, taking another swig.

"I'm here to take you home," I explained, taking the bottle out of his hand. "Believe it or not, Tyler doesn't want a thousand-year-old, brooding hybrid hanging around his house and drinking all of his liquor." He stared at me as I held my hand out, waiting for him to take it so we could leave. Nodding, he grabbed it, lacing his fingers with mine. Walking out of the kitchen, we passed the living room where Hayley had been. Tyler had joined her since my arrival. They stood in the doorway, appearing to be having a conversation. Hayley's eyes averted over to Nik and I as we came to a stop. "Don't let us interrupt," I commented, seeing the way she looked at Tyler.

"I didn't know you were here," Tyler stated, turning to look at us.

"Clearly." Nik moved in between them, going into the room. He was a little unsteady on his feet from all the alcohol. "Thought I'd pop 'round to celebrate Dean's successful retrieval of the vampire hunter. Yet, when I arrived, I learned that not only was Dean unsuccessful, but that Elena had killed the hunter." I leaned against the door frame, knowing that he still sort of blamed me for the incident.

"Well, maybe if you had let Dean use force on Connor instead of sending him in on a suicide mission –," I cut her off, not liking her tone.

"Maybe you should mind your business, wolf girl," I growled, moving over to stand next to Nik, my arms crossed.

"What do you care if Connor's dead, anyway?" Tyler piped up, eyebrows furrowed. I glanced over at Nik.

"I have my reasons. They cease to matter." Nik picked up a bottle that was on the table, taking a swig. Rolling my eyes, I took it out of his hand and put it back as a knock sounded at the door. Tyler gave us a look before going over to answer it. Caroline immediately walked in, a box in her hands.

"Brought your stuff. Old laptop, your jersey, the charm bracelet." Her eyes were hard as she stared at him.

"Car – this isn't a good time." Caroline shoved the box into his arms and I watched on, confused by the situation. As Tyler stepped back, I moved forward, having realized what was going on.

"Caroline. By the break-up drama unfolding before me, I assume you've met Hayley." Her silence answered my question. I felt bad for her, but at the same time, I was still a little upset with her for betraying me.

"All right, come on, let's go. Let's leave them alone. Your talents are needed elsewhere," Nik called to his hybrids, feeling the tension.

"For what?" Tyler asked and I moved aside, letting the hybrids through the door.

"I think you've got more important things to deal with, mate." I glared over at Tyler before following the hybrids out, Nik not far behind.


Instead of going back to the house, Nik had me take a detour. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he dialed a number, putting it on speaker. "I don't want to talk about it," I heard Stefan's voice say from the other end of the call.

"Well, I can't imagine why, what with you ruining all my plans for a hybrid-filled future," Nik retorted as I turned left down another street.

"Well, it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't sworn me to secrecy."

"Life's full of ifs, Stefan. Let's accentuate the positives, shall we? The hunter was one of five. We'll find another. It may take centuries, but we've got nothing but time, right?"

"You're using your calm voice today. Who's getting killed?" Stefan asked and I chuckled.

"Not you, if that's what you're concerned about. But I am concerned about your beloved. Have the hallucinations started yet?" Stefan was quiet for a moment.

"How do you know about that?" Coming to a stop in front of a house, I put the car in park, looking over at Nik.

"I'll tell you. Where are you?"

"I'm at her house."

"How convenient," Nik smirked, looking up at it. "So am I." Hanging up the phone, he looked over at me, "Stay in the car, keep it running. We won't be here long." I quickly nodded my head and he was gone, knocking on Elena's front door. A couple minutes later, the door opened and Stefan stepped out, closing it behind him. I watched on from inside the car, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel as Stefan and Nik conversed. The front door opened again and out came a panicked Elena. I put the car in drive and not even a second later, Nik and Elena were in the backseat as we sped towards the Manor.

Some interesting things are happening soon! Stay tuned!

Oh my god, you guys! It's finally warm enough to wear shorts! I am so happy, I'm actually considering going outside! Probably won't, though...

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2017.

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