Chapter 11

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"So tell me more about this tattoo," Stefan stated. Nik had sent Jeremy and a hybrid into the room where the hunter was being held, supplying Jeremy with a pencil and paper. We returned to our seats shortly after, picking up the conversation where we left off.

"My sister's suitor was unwilling to tell us anything. Rebekah, however, was more than willing to...investigate, isn't that right?" Nik declared, his eyes shifting over to his sister, who looked away, embarrassed. "My sister's boyfriend threw a slumber party that night. He and his brothers put us all down in our sleep." I could see a past anger bubbling up in his eyes, re-fueled by telling this story, so I reached over, lacing my fingers with his. "Elijah, Kol, Finn...and me."

"How was I supposed to know?" Rebekah rejoined.

"Cheers. To my sister's uncanny ability to choose men," Nik observed, sarcastically, raising his glass in the air.

"I thought the daggers didn't work on you because of your werewolf side?" Stefan countered.

"They don't," I replied, butting in. Nik continued on with the story.

"Go, ahead, Rebekah. Tell him what the hunter told you the tattoo leads to. What's this great weapon that could bring upon the end of the vampire species?" All three of us stared at Rebekah, waiting for her to answer.

"A cure. He said there was cure," she revealed. Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked over at Nik, who had gotten up.

"Is this true? How could that even be possible?"

"There is no cure for vampirism," Stefan stated, getting up and following Nik out of the room. I did the same, wanting to hear more.

"I'm telling the truth, Stefan," remarked Rebekah, who was the last to leave the room.

"Then why wouldn't you have searched for it, found it?" Stefan demanded.

"Because when the hunters drew their final breath that night, the marks disappeared from their body. The map was gone, the Brotherhood of the Five extinct. For nine hundred years, there was not a whisper of another hunter until our friend in there showed up in town."

"Well, now we have the map, what do we do next?" Rebekah asked, leaning against the door frame.

"We don't do anything. You can't be trusted, little sister. You'll be blabbing this secret to the first boy who calls you pretty."

"Nik!" I hissed, glaring over at him.

"I mean, it's pathetic, really, isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection. You think she would have learned by now from the endless cycle of disappointment and deception!" Nik exclaimed.

"Niklaus!" I scolded, getting cut off by Rebekah.

"But I haven't! Instead I stay with you and let you leech every moment of happiness from my life. You know, at least I fared better than Finn. Klaus left him daggered because he was tired of his judgement."

"No, Finn was a dullard. He's more interesting lying in a box," Nik countered, moving closer to Rebekah.

"You want the cure for Elena, don't you? So you can go to back to mass producing your hybrids. That's why you brought Stefan in, because you knew he'd help you even though he hates your guts. You know what, you can shove your cure." Rebekah walked out, slamming the door.

"Rebekah, wait!" I called, following her out, but she was long gone by the time I got outside. Going back in, I glared at Nik, who was smirking. "What the hell is the matter with you? You know how sensitive she is! If you keep saying terrible things like that to her, she's going to leave. For good."

"Well, I hope you got what you wanted out of her before you chased her off," Stefan commented.

"She never would have told me what I needed to know. But she'll tell you."

Stefan looked reluctant before replying, "What do you need me to find out?"

"The map is useless without the tool to decipher it."

"The sword."

"She knows where it is. And you're going to get her to tell you. You have a chance to save Elena from the very thing that's going to destroy her. You can call it a deal with the devil if you like. But you know you won't walk away from it." Rolling my eyes, I went upstairs, going into our room. I sat down at the end of the bed, taking my heels off and grabbing my phone to send a text to Rebekah.

'I'm sorry for what Nik said to you. He was being rude and shouldn't have said any of it.'

I sent it, knowing that I probably wouldn't get a reply.

This chapter is kinda boring, so forgive me.

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2017.

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