Chapter thirteen ( part 2)

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A/N - I sacrificed my sleep for this! You all better pray for good things for me!
More Chanpen. And I promise this is the last you will have of her thoughts.


[ continued from previous chapter ]

Kongpob was picking on her. She didn't know what she had done wrong. But whatever the other freshmen did Kongpob questioned her for it. She tried her best to remain calm. But Kongpob had been completely out of character. Even the rest of the hazers looked at her sympathetically. Did Kongpob hate her for looking like his boyfriend? But how was it her fault ? She was only trying to be friendly. And Kongpob hadn't seem to mind it at the beginning. She hated the way he treated her. He was being unfair.

After awhile Kongpob had stopped singling her out. Now he completely ignored her. Even when they came face to face and she tried to greet him with a wai he pretended not to see her. Chanpen couldn't understand what Kongpob's problem was, but it was frustrating her .


She had heard Aim tell the people at the safe sex campaign how Kongpob 'gets a lot of action ' and stuff a bunch of condoms in his wallet. It was pretty clear it was a joke. Kongpob had blushed into a deep shade of red. Chanpen laughed to herself. The seniors did have a sense of humor. It seems they weren't always strict.


She watched Kongpob stare at the sea with a solemn expression on his face. He seemed to be deep in thought. He looked lonely despite being in the middle of a crowd. She had walked over and invited him for a snack. He politely declined. But he looked at her with wonder. His eyes twinkling. She could feel butterflies in her stomach. Kongpob was a hard person to understand.

Some of the fellow freshman had sneaked an assortment of drinks. She wondered how they had managed to get their hands on so much drinks. Most of it were fruit juice. But they had a secret stash of alcohol which they had mixed together so the seniors wouldn't find out. She hated the smell and the taste of alcohol. But as a courtesy she had taken a drink . It was a celebration after all. She wondered if it was only her and her best friend Aom , the only people who remained sober.

Her friends had pushed her to invite Kongpob for a drink. Their reasoning being he spoke to her the most. Kongpob insisted he couldn't drink because he had to keep an eye on everyone else. But after some persuasion he agreed to come over for a beer.

They were having a great time. They danced, they sang, they even managed to get Kongpob to the dance floor. He really did not know how to dance. He was awkward and they had teased him trying to teach him some steps. It was hard to recognize if this was the same Kongpob who terrified them at the beginning of the semester.Chanpen noticed how intently Kongpob watched her dance. He didn't seem to take his eyes off of her face. It made her feel nervous. But it also made her feel special. What if Kongpob liked her not only for her face?


She couldn't sleep. Kongpob had chased them to bed warning them not to sneak out because he would be watching. He seemed slightly intoxicated but sober enough. Maybe he had a couple of drinks. Is Kongpob going to stay by the sea all night? Will he be alright? Was he alone?It was a bit windy at night. She had to know for sure. Will she be in trouble for being outside at this time? But the person she wanted to see was Kongpob. So there wouldn't be a problem would there?


She found Kongpob passed out on a chair by the sea. She looked at the table infront of him. It seemed Kongpob had drank from their leftover punch. Did he know it was mixed with other drinks? She had the same and it did taste more fruity than strong. The position he was in didn't seem comfortable at all. He would definitely be sore if he stayed like this until morning. She shook him awake. After a few times of vigorous shaking he finally opened his eyes. Extremely bloodshot. How much did he drink!!

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