Chapter sixteen

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A/N - I deleted the note earlier than I had planned because turns out I didn't have much to edit.

For those who missed it there is a change in Pen's name. It supposed to be Chanpen.not Penchan.. so watch out for that.

Im sorry for disappointing everyone with a notification earlier. This is my compensation 😉


" Arthit.. that girl looks just like you " Pitcher was still looking at the couple.

" what? "

" yeah.." he looked at Arthit " your ex boyfriend is staring this way so don't look now. But the girl he is with looks just like you "

" you are joking aren't you? "

" Nope.. ok I think he looked away. Now! "

Arthit turned to look at Kongpob and the girl he was with. He could see the similarity but he wasn't sure if they looked very much alike .

" we aren't that similar are we ? "

" yes you are.. I think if you had long hair you would probably look this is scary . Do you think he is with her because she looks like you? "

" I don't know .."

" that's f*cked up! "

Arthit's mind was elsewhere. If that was the girl Kongpob cheated on him with this raised more questions than it answered. According to Pitcher she looked like him. He had been away since the beginning of the school year. he had never come across a girl who looked like him. So it had to be a freshman. What did that mean? Had Kongpob had his eye on her since school started? Is that why he had made inappropriate suggestions when they tried to video call once? Did this girl make Kongpob question their relationship? Was this girl the answer to all Kongpob's problems? Were they close? Kongpob had told him he had a reason to believe he cheated. Did it mean Kongpob had feelings for her ? Was this what he was doing while he thought about Kongpob day and night counting days to see him? Look at a girl who was similar to him. What was Kongpob's love for him?

A girl.. it was convenient.

Had Kongpob lied to him? Arthit could feel his ears ringing.

Kongpob replaced him! He had been replaced for sometime and he had no idea!! Even in the middle of a crowded restaurant Arthit felt completely alone. Their relationship had meant nothing. All it took was a girl with a similar face and everything ended. And here he thought Kongpob loved him. Actually loved him. It wasn't love. It was attraction. Kongpob liked how he looked!

Arthit wanted to hurt his face. What would Kongpob do then?

" Ai Arthit? "

" yes ? "

" you don't look so good. Are you alright? "

" I'm fine "

Pitcher looked like he didn't believe him. But he didn't say anything more.

They placed their orders.

Pitcher was softly running his finger along Arthit's forearm that was on the table. Arthit looked at Pitcher confused.

" what are you doing ? "

" isn't this why your coworker left you here with me? Let's give the scumbag a show "

" that's not why.. "

" oh come on. It's pretty obvious. Besides I don't mind. I'm actually happy I met you. I couldn't forget that night "

Arthit was now beet red. He had been trying to block that memory.

" Pitcher..I thought we weren't going to mention that ! " he hissed.

Pitcher gave him a dazzling smile.

" I think we will get along just fine Arthit "

Kongpob was fuming. He couldn't remember the last time he was that angry. He knew he had no right to be angry. But he couldn't control it. Even the utensils in his hands were shaking. His mind was trying to rationalize what he was seeing. Everything he came up with made him go crazier. He was watching everything like a hawk.

The man that had come to the restaurant couldn't be someone special. He had his arm on Arthit's shoulder. He knew Arthit well. If it was someone special Arthit would be standing a mile away not letting any intimacy show. Who was it? Is it a coworker? A senior who graduated before he entered university like P' Tum? They seemed close. Arthit was actually laughing. Had Arthit even see him at the restaurant. A part of him was glad Arthit was alright. He hadn't wanted Arthit to suffer because of his mistake. He couldn't help but smile when he saw Arthit smile. His smile always left him in a daze.

What had set Kongpob off was what followed. An extremely handsome man had joined Arthit and the man he was accompanied with. The moment Arthit saw him, his face changed. Arthit blushed. Kongpob knew that blush like he back of his hand. Arthit blushed like that when Kongpob tried to seduce him. Or tease him with inappropriate jokes. Kongpob already knew he wasn't going to like what he see.

The man Arthit had come in with left the two on their own. Was this some kind of a romantic set up? He didn't like the way he stranger looked at Arthit. Like a hungry predator. Nobody had the right to look at Arthit like that.

No.. Kongpob had lost the right to have an opinion.

" P' Kongpob? Why do you look like that? "

" finish your food N' Pen. We are leaving "

Kongpob didn't want to watch this anymore. He had asked for the bill. He was too late. He hadn't gotten out before he had his heart broken to pieces. The stranger was now touching Arthit is a seductive way. Even from where he was seated he could see Arthit blush even more. He wanted to leave before he started smashing everything around him.

They were waiting for the change when he saw the stranger lean in and wipe the corner of Arthit's lips with his thumb. Smiling sweetly.

Kongpob stood up. He had enough. He grabbed Chanpen by the forearm tightly and left the restaurant. He didn't want his change. He was murderous. He couldn't focus. That was his Arthit being violated by some stranger. Realization hit Kongpob. It was the person Arthit had spent the night with!

He still had Pen's arm tightly gripped in his

" P' Kongpob, let go.. you are hurting me"

He flaunted Pen against the nearest wall and kissed her. He was kissing her hard.

Chanpen pushed Kongpob away

" P'!! What are you doing! What's wrong with you! "

" didn't you want me to be your boyfriend? I am being your boyfriend "  he pressed her against the wall again. And kissed her more. Chanpen stomped on his foot. Kongpob backed away in pain. He looked at Chanpen angrily...His eyes started to focus. The sight in front horrified him.

Pen was hugging herself shivering in fear. Tears pouring down her face. There was a small bleed on her lip.

" N' Pen.. I'm .. I'm sorry.. " he tried to take a step closer to her

Chanpen had backed away in fear..

" Pen! I'm sorry.. I promise I won't hurt you.. "

She shook her head.. she still hadn't said a word.

" N' Pen.. please ..I'm sorry.. I lost my mind.. "

Kongpob knelt infront of her with his head down. He was disgusted of himself. He was disgusted of what he had become. Any doubt he had about cheating on Arthit had gone away. He was a monster.

" I'm sorry.. please.. please forgive me "

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