Chapter 15:.Three days

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Lee's POV

I woke up, my head laying beside Alexis, it's already been three days and she's still not awake,.

I am so worried, I ordered Jack to handle the pack.

I can't go back without her, I hold her hands, and then the door opened and came out her parents, brother and the doctor.

"Doc how is she?" Her dad asked, I didn't care, I will just listen, I am looking at Alexis, more like staring.

"It is impossible that it's a coma, she just passed out but I'm sure that she will wake up soon" the doc said, please wake up now.

Alexis's POV

Why am I here?

I'm in a place which is dark, I can't see anything else, I can't feel my body, I am numb, I can't open my mouth to speak, all I can feel is the cold air in this place, am I sleeping?

If yes, I wanna wake up, I am petrified here.

I miss my family, I miss Lee, how are they?

What's even happening?

Then suddenly I felt something brush on my hair, "Soon, my love, soon" a man's voice, please, I wanna wake up. I then suddenly can move a little...

Lee's POV

Looking at her, kinda hurts me, I miss her smile, laugh, voice, eyes, I miss her.

Then her hands, her fingers started to move, is she waking up?

I panicked a little, her eyes started to squint, her head starts to move, we were all startled.

"W-what h-happened?" a soft sweet voice I heard says, I walked up to her holding her hand as she starts to sit up.

"Alexis, are you okay?" I ask her, she holds her head, probably a headache.

"L-lee?" She says, I nod, "Yes it's me" I said.

Alexis's POV

My head feels like it's breaking open, I am finally awake, away from that hell place.

I am tightening my grip on Lee's hand, I was so scared, I am trap on that dark room for I don't know how long?

Wait, how long has it been already, hours?

Maybe, then suddenly strong arms were wrapped around me.

I miss this so much.

"I miss you" he said, I hug him back also, after what felt like decades we pull apart.

"How long has it been, Hours?" I ask him, he shook his head, "3 days" he said in a kind of cold, stern, angry voice, but at the same time my eyes widened.

I was shocked, after what I saw I was trapped in a dark room for freaking three days?

Then suddenly I remembered something....

After what I saw, that my family was killed in front of me.

I awake but felt nothing and stuck in this dark room, I always feel sometime that a hand brush my hair once.

I can't even speak, move or anything, I can only feel my hair, I can only think to speak, then I felt a cold breeze, a shiver down my spine that I don't know how if I can't move.

I am not even tied into something

"Three days, my love" that voice says,in a cold intimidating voice that makes me feel more scared.

"I can finally take you with me and we will live happy, away from them" he said again, I wanted to scream, to punch slap this person whoever it is, this is not him it's the other him, not Lee.

I know who could this only be, Alexander.

"Alexis!" I heard and felt someone shaking me.

I was startled and came back to reality, facing a panicked Lee.

"What?" I ask seeing Lee, my parents and brother looking at me like they've seen a ghost or something.

"What happened to you? You suddenly stare at the wall, we were trying to talk to you but it seems like you don't hear us or anything" Caden said, then I remember it again, scared.

I look around noticing we are in my room, can I be safe now, or the three days thing will be real.

I don't want Alex to take me or anything

Lee's POV

She looks so scared, I will protect her no matter what, I will kill anyone who would hurt and take her, Alexander.

I will kill that bastard vampire, he can't take my Alexis, she is my mate, she is mine, he should know that, he should get any vampire girl, not her.

Why her? I'll kill and finish him off.

Unknowns (His) POV

Ooh, cherish the moments and the time left you still have my dear, with your family, and your Mate, you will be mine, not to be his, mine only.

I can and will take you whether you like it or not, I will take you by hook or by crook, you were mine the first time I laid my eyes on you, waterfalls, you will be mine, darling.

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