Chapter 17: Then no one can

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Alexis's POV

My eyes widened at the sight, my brother lunges towards Alex, but he easily dodge it by teleporting behind him, he was about to kick him but stop when Lee immediately bites his leg, I take my eyes off of them and focus on trying to escape and free myself from these two bastards.

"Let Go!" I yelled, shaking my hands off of them, you probably wondering how did I yelled if I have tape in my mouth earlier, I managed to remove it, "I swear if I'll get off I will kill you both!" I yelled again, I suddenly felt a sudden pain or ache or something on my head, I closed my eyes, then I saw my wolf, Scarlet. 

"What is it?" I asked her, her eyes shows fear, worries, and sadness, that doesn't match her gold color.

"It's not gonna work" she says and looks down, and me giving her a confused look, "They would fail, and he will take you" she says, I was shocked.

"Unless" she starts, "You do It" she says, "Scarlet you know what will happen if-" I tried but cuts off when she helds her head to look at me and I instantly saw her eyes, why is it like that? Why is it red? "I know, but would you rather let them die so he could take you, and the reason of their death is you? Or do it so no one will die, you have to do it, I had seen what could  happen if you don't, live with a monster or save everyone" she says that brings pain to my heart, her red eyes were flashing, looking into me, suddenly darkness starts to invade what I see, the only light that can be seen is Scarlet, I take a last look on her staring each other, she mouthed a 'Go'.

I was back to reality, I struggled once more to these stupid bastards, I manage to remove the other one by kicking him where the sun doesn't shine, the other one is kinda hard, you see, he has a kinda built body, and his grip is freaking tight, "Get Off!" I yelled on him, he glared at me, and starts to try grabbing my other arm, in the process of failing to do it, do they even talk? "Hey" I said to him calmly, because of an idea pops to my head, he looks at me confuse, "What?" He ask, oh that voice, agh stop it.

Wait, he talks, yay! Okay I'm gonna stop, "So you talk" I said sounding like I asked a question, "Of course" he said and smirk, I also smirk, and my fist came flying to his face, making him fall down, "Stupid" I say to him, I look at Alex, my brother and Lee, that makes me widened my eyes in shock, they aren't in a wolf form, but they do have clothes, but seeing Caden suddenly flew away and tries standing up weakly, and Alex's foot on top of Lee's chest, he was struggling to get up because there is a sword that is long and sharp also shiny, I say. I saw he was saying something to Lee, but I didn't think twice to ran towards him.

Lee's POV

"Too bad I'm gonna have her now" Alex says to me, smirking thinking he had won the war. No! This can't be! He can't have my Alexis! I hate the fact that their name sounds the same but I don't fucking care!

"Never" I said, he was about to thrust the sword on my chest, shit!

But suddenly failed when someone lunges towards him and tackled him to the ground dropping the sword. Alexis!

"Don't you dare you Bastard!" She yelled in a full angry voice, he kicks her and she falls to the floor, no one hurts her! I was about to ran to him, when my eyes was caught of Alexis shift.

Why is she like that? Why is she not Gold? Why is she black? It is very black, darker than me, she mind links me out of nowhere. 'I'll handle this, help Caden' she says, I ran towards him quickly, "Shit!" He yells as he saw Alexis.

I can't help on what Im seeing so I ran towards Alex. "Die!" I yelled, as soon as im near him he clawed me on my neck. I growled, I Can't let him win.

He ran towards Alexis that is about to get up, I  also ran towards him, but too late, Alexis whimpers when he carries him, she tried to fight back, and he throws her outside by the large window.

Me and Caden follows, there stood all the pack including her parents.
"Alexis!" Her mom yelled, and was supposed to ran to her but was stop by Caden.

I lunge towards Alexander, and tackled him to the ground, "I will not let you take her!" I tell him with gritted teeth.

"Oh but I can get her" he said that makes me more mad, "Fuck you!" I yelled to him and starts throwing punches at him.

I was gonna punch again but stopped when he quickly disappeared on the ground, I look around and saw him near Alexis. She stood up and face him, her eyes filled with emotions, anger, sad, and many more.

Alexis's POV

"Come with me and this will stop" Alexander told me, I look at him straight in the eyes. "Never in a million years" I said, my fists clenching turning white, my blood boils.

"Then I just have to take you by myself" he said and smirked, but that smirk fell when i tackled him on the ground, hearing the pack gasp.

'She shouldn't fight, right?'
'Is she gonna-'
'Don't say that'
'But we don't know if'

All I  heard from them, I clearly know, my pack. But I have to, I need to, for your safety, for the sake of your lives, for everyone of you, especially my family and mate.

"Stop this Alexis. We all know what will happen if you fight, again" Alex said to me. "If I would live forever with you, never" I said through gritted teeth.

I growled at Alex, and said the words that could change everything.

"I rather die than to be with you, If Lee can't have me, then no one can"

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