Trophy Kid (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)

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Trigger warning. This is a bit on the depressing side but yeah... I was sitting at work and the song Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne was stuck in my head so I decided to do this... Hopefully it doesn't completely blow... I am sorry if it sucks... -_-

A pair of cyan colored eyes watched as the medals were handed to the three female figure skaters, all but one of them looked happy and she was the one that should have been the happiest, she was holding the gold after all. But instead her [e/c] eyes stared into the distance unblinking, laced with sadness and heartbreak. The boy watching scoffed at the look and shook his head walking away. If it was him, he would be rubbing it in everyone's face. Especially his coach and Viktor Nikiforov, but deep inside he knew why, he had known her for years.

The female in the [f/c] skaters dress left the ice quickly not caring for the congratulatory hugs or the attention from the press. She had been skating since she was a child and it had always been like this...

'When was the last time my parents came to see me skate?' She asked herself as she took her skates off. 'I am just a trophy for them. They don't care, they don't want me, they want the attention of my name.' Unconsciously she rubbed her wrists and stared at the ground.

"[N/N]!!" A female's voice called and as she ran up to her. "Your skating tonight was beautiful, I wish I could do that!" The darker skinned woman said as she took both of [F/N]'s hands into hers. "It's only right you got gold!"

[F/N] just gave a sad sort of smile before gently slipping her hands from Sara's grasp. "Thank you." She said grabbing her bag and leaving. She questioned why she even bothered anymore. She had started skating because her parents thought it would help her out of her shell, she had enjoyed seeing them smile when she took to the ice, but after a while the smiles faded and the looks were more animalistic and demanding. They criticized her every move and expected better and better. Bronze and silver was never tolerated and that was when they stopped showing up all together.

"Mum! Dad!" She felt the tiniest bit hopeful when she walked in the door but that hope was quickly snuffed out when she realized that the house was dark and she was alone. "I got gold." She muttered sadly as she dropped the medal on the table and headed to her room. [E/C] eyes filled with tears as she locked her bathroom door and sank to the floor her knees pulled to her chest.

[F/N] felt tears slipping down her cheeks as she decided finally she couldn't do this anymore, for her own sanity, she couldn't keep it up and yet she wouldn't end everything. She wanted to feel wanted and loved by someone other than her fans. She wanted to come home to a place that felt warm and not a dark and cold, unwelcoming void. She wanted safety. Grabbing her phone she stared at the screen before throwing it in the toilet so no one could use it to hunt her down. In one fluid motion she unlocked the door grabbing a bag filling it with cloths and and money she still had from her past winnings. She could find a place to stay tonight and work out a plan from there, even if she fell from grace she knew could find her way through this.

Opening the front door to leave she was greeted by familiar cyan eyes. "Y-yuri." She whispered as she tightened her hold on her bag as her heart fluttered. She couldn't let him talk her into staying, she had to do this, she needed to leave, for her own good.

Yuri glanced at her and his eyes trailed to the bag. "Going somewhere?" He asked, his voice sounded bored but [F/N] knew better, he was concerned about her.

[F/N] tensed up a bit feeling defensive as her fight or flight instincts tried to kick in, but... This was Yuri, this was one of her closest friends. If she couldn't trust him, who could she trust. "I can't keep pretending Yuri. I can't pretend that I am okay, I can't pretend I am content and happy. I won't live like this anymore!" She said half shouting as she shook a bit looking at her shoes. "They are never here, they don't care! Everyday I go train or compete and then come home to an empty house. They are never around and I am so alone."

The normally bull headed, hot tempered teen listened as her walls came crashing down around her. "Are you done?" He still sounded bored and agitated but still, [F/N] could hear more to the tone. She shot him a bit of a glare but nodded.

Yuri nodded and grabbed her bag from her. "Hurry up. My grandpa is making pirozhki and I told him we wouldn't be long."

[F/N] blinked but smiled. Of course Yuri would have thought ahead. He always knew what she would do before she did it. Smiling happily, [F/N] jumped on his back, her arms wrapped around his neck as she nuzzled him. "Bolshoe spasibo Yuri." She said deciding to thank him in his native tongue. She didn't notice the blush on his cheeks and he didn't notice the content smile on her face.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bonus Ending~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[F/N]'s parents didn't even call out for her when the walked into the dark and silent house. Her father went straight to the liquor cabinet and her mother was on the phone making more business arrangements. It would be hours until they noticed that she was gone and even longer before they ever saw her again, she had followed Yuri to Japan and was in no rush to go back.

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