I only swim Free: Soulmate AU (Haru Nanase x Reader)

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Imagine: You share all of your knowledge with your soulmate.

[Y/N] sighed, a bit cranky with her soulmate. See, [Y/N] was a bit of a genius and was on the Iwatobi high school's academic decathlon team as the honors team captain. She had a 4.0 GPA and a 143 IQ going into her senior year of high school. Even now all she wanted to do was to continue learning. She was frustrated though, all her soulmate had contributed was his knowledge of swim styles and regulations for competitions as well as how to cook mackerel.

"I am just saying… we are high school seniors. I feel like my soulmate is getting a free ride." She said sighing again. "Do you think he even wants to know anything aside from swimming?" She asked curious.

One of the girls in her group watched her grinning. "Not everyone is a genius like you though. However I am aware of how frustrating it is to feel that way. My soulmate finally started learning new stuff. I think that's because he was getting an inferiority complex." She said giggling a bit.

"Yeah it's a bit unfair senpai. I don't think there is much you don't know that your soulmate could learn. I mean you are literally a genius." Another one of the girls pointed out.

[Y/N] sighed knowing damn well that they were right but it still frustrated her. "Well, I suppose there's nothing I can do about that. We know that they are obsessed with swimming and go to school here. So, who wants to go with me to the swim meet after school? I am sure he will be competing."

The other girls quickly nodded both wanting to meet her soulmate and see how [Y/N] handled everything between now and then.

"Count me in! My homework is all done so my folks won't care."

"My mom's been begging me to get out more anyway, so I can definitely go!"

[Y/N] nodded as she stood and stretched.  "All right we'll find each other at the meet 10 minutes before doors open that way we can sit together. I will try to figure out which boy is my soulmate and talk to him after. I already know what has to be one of the 4 boys on our team but I know it can't be Ryugazaki because I have known about swimming since before he joined to the team." She walked towards the school gates still muttering to herself.

××××× Haru's POV ×××××

"With how smart your soulmate is I'm beginning to think they're like 50." Nagisa teased as he stared at Haru's test. "You got another 100%."

Haru shrugged. "I'm pretty sure she's a student here, she has the scholar bowl schedule for our team memorized. I doubt she's a highly dedicated grandma."

Rei nodded quickly. "Well, we could always go to one of the bowls and try to find your soulmate. With you going to the same school it wouldn't be smart to throw away the opportunity." He suggested wanting to help his friend feel the same joy of finding his soulmate.

"I will think about it but don't count on it. I don't think either of us really have time for a relationship." Haru said staring out the window. "I have swimming and she has academics."

Rei frowned and shook his head. He knew it was no use arguing the point with him even if he really wanted to.

××××× [Y/N]'s POV ×××××

[Y/N] stood at the doors as she fiddled with the hem of her uniform skirt. She couldn't help but feel nervous, a ridiculous feeling to have a meeting the person your soul with made for. "Early in this novel, a rules established that only the person holding a conch shell might talk during group meetings." She said to herself trying her hardest to calm down.

"The Lord of the Flies." A boy replied as he walked past her.

[Y/N] looked up in time to see a head of dark hair disappear into the building wearing swim bottoms and an Iwatobi swim jacket. It was possible that it was her soulmate but she needed more proof. What style did he swim, what else did he know? With a pop culture question like that it was possible that he just really enjoyed reading Lord of the Flies.

"Now that's an interesting new look on your face." One of the other girls said walking up to her.

"Help me think of a few hard questions to ask my soulmate." [Y/N] said as she headed inside with her friends.


Honestly the meet was breathtaking and thanks to her soulmate being so obsessed she is able to easily explained to her friends the rules, what was happening, and the different swim styles that everyone was using for the medley. Iwatobi was brilliant as they swam, each boy was strong and graceful but… her eyes never left the dark haired boy from before. "He swam free. That is him." She said breathlessly.

The girls followed her gaze and blinked. "Haru?!? Seriously?" They both seem shocked. "He's just so… odd." One of the girls whispered. "I have heard he will swim in any water and tried to climb into a pet shop aquarium one time."

The other girl nodded. "And all he eats is mackerel for every meal. I'm not completely sure he's even human."

[Y/N] frowned. Why did his habits have to seem so strange to the others? Sure, she wasn't that big into swimming and she certainly wouldn't set foot in to just any water… and she couldn't eat the same thing every night for dinner but… if he was happy, let him live his life. Though she still thought he could stand to learn more stuff so she wasn't doing all of the work. "Either way, it doesn't hurt to talk to him. He is my soulmate regardless of what other people think."

The girls both watched as [Y/N] stood and headed down the bleachers. "Hey! Nanase!" She called out, causing both him and his friends to look up at her.

"[L/N], what is the current record for the 1500 m freestyle swim time?" Haru asked, coming to the same conclusion she had.

"Sun Yang, from China, set the record at the 2012 London Olympics with 14 minutes and 31.02 seconds." She said as though it was the most common sense question she had ever been asked.

Rei blinked looking between the pair in mild shock. He had known full well that Haru's soulmate was a member of the decathlon team but he had not expected her for some reason. "So you two are soulmates?"

[Y/N] nodded a faint smile gracing her lips. "It would certainly seem so."

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