The Hogwarts Express

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        Harry and Morgana sat down on a bench, looking at the breathtaking train. A lot of people stopped and openly stared at them, because of Harry. Morgana supposed he was very very famous.

         Her godfather pulled a piece of aged parchment out of his pocket, and to her surprise, it was completely blank. However, Morgana was even more surprised when Harry told her that he would like her to have it. "This is the weapon which aided many generations of pranksters at Hogwarts. Me, Ron and Hermione, Fred and George Weasley - and of course, our fathers. The marauders - the rockstars of Hogwarts, the boys everyone knew. No one messed with the Marauders. They were my dad, yours and Teddy's. There was another man too, but he was a traitorous rat," Harry spat.

        "Now, Morgana, your time has come to succeed your father. You get to go to Hogwarts now, and I can tell that you're going to begin a whole new era of mischief. You're Padfoot through and through. Morgana, you're so much like him. And he would have wanted you to have this." Harry tapped the piece of parchment lightly with his wand. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

         A map became visible on the parchment. However, this map was different to anything Morgana had ever seen before - it was incredible, it was breathtaking. People were seen on the map, scurrying around, their names labelled beside them. Morgana read aloud from the top of the parchment. "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs proudly present

            THE MARAUDERS' MAP."

         Harry nodded. "They created this map. It was the key to making mischief at Hogwarts, and you'll make good use of it, I can tell already. Try not to get into trouble, but use this map anytime you want. This map will be your ally in troublemaking, as long as you trust it. The map never lies. Ever."

         "Then when you're done," Harry continued. "You just tap it with you wand and say "Mischief Managed", so that no one can find it and use it." He demonstrated and all of the writing and buildings vanished from the map, leaving it blank again. He winked at Morgana. "Don't get in too much trouble, but I'd say you could manage a fair bit of mischief with that."

Morgana flung her arms around him. "Thank you so much, Harry!" She cried, a huge grin spreading over her face. Morgana knew she would treasure this all through her years at Hogwarts, she knew immediately how great a weapon this was going to be. "Your welcome," Harry smiled. "You can share it with your new friends, but don't tell anyone else. Especially not Ginny!" He added in a cheeky whisper.

Harry looked up at the clock on the station wall and leapt up. "Two minutes until the train leaves! Come on Morgana - time to go to Hogwarts." Morgana's heart fluttered with excitement and - for the first time in her life - Morgana couldn't wait to go to school.

She said goodbye to Harry and promised to write every week. Then, Morgana turned around and leapt onto the Hogwarts express. She waved to her godfather one last time and went to find a compartment. Teenagers swarmed through the walkway, in muggle clothing mainly, but some already in robes. Morgana trailed her suitcase along behind her and kept a firm grip of Fawn's cage. Her owl was squawking madly over the chaos, flapping her wings wildly. Morgana hurried into the nearest compartment, flinging the door open and tumbling in.

The seats were already inhabited by two young boys and a girl, all about Morgana's age. "Hi!" She panted. "Could I sit here?" The girl nodded in delight. "Please do. These idiots are making me lose the will to live." She gestured to the two boys, who were fighting over the window seat. They suddenly looked up and realised Morgana was there. "Oh, hi!" Said the first guy. He had a pleasant, friendly voice and was quite good-looking, with messy chestnut-coloured hair, hazel eyes and glasses. "I'm John Fortis, but most of my friends call me Johnny." The other boy stepped forward and shook her hand. "I'm Alfie Brookmore," he told her, brushing his untidy blonde hair out of his blue eyes. "Nice to meet you." He smiled at her, showing off rows of pearly-white teeth. The girl stepped forward and shook hands with her. "Emma Fortis. Johnny's older sister." John rolled his eyes. "By twenty-seven minutes, Em!" Emma shrugged. "Still, you'll always be my little brother!" She laughed. Morgana sat down with them all. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Morgana, Morgana Black." John and Emma both looked at each other strangely, but Alfie just nodded.

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