Chapter 6

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So many weekends had passed since her weekend with Raymond and things were finally beginning to have a semblance of normalcy, at least what normal was in her own world. After their lesson, he had called to check up on her then promised her another lesson but after that day there was barely even a whisper from him. "It was good" She had told herself several times because now she was finally getting him out of her head. She had even gone on a date was the C.E.O of an investment company, although half way through their dinner date she had forgotten his name and had to excuse herself to the ladies and google it. When she told Irene about it later, they both had a good laugh about it.

"He's nice you know and normal. A little arrogant I guess but what do you expect from a guy that has achieved so much at just thirty two." She had told Irene.

"And best of all he is not engaged." She replied

"Yes he is not engaged."

She hadn't seen him again of course because she just didn't feel anything and she wasn't ready to waste her time on something that wasn't going anywhere but for now she was happy that whatever it was she felt towards Raymond was slowly fading away.

"Madam we have an issue."

Kazia looked away from the window she had been standing by with a fresh cup of coffee in her hand to her assistant who stood by the door looking like she desperately needed to pee.

"What is it Mary-Jane?"

"One of Mr David's clients just stepped in saying he wanted to speak to him quickly about some changes but the thing is as you well know Mr David isn't in today..."

"And who was he working with on that particular project?"

"It was Kunle but he too isn't around, he is on leave and the only other person that worked closely with them is an intern. I didn't think it wise sending him over to" She dragged her last few words and Kazia could tell she was looking for any form of confirmation that she had made the right call.

"That's fine Mary-Jane." Kazia looked around the room for about three seconds trying to focus and come up with a plan. "Tell the intern...who is it by the way?"

"Bernard...he joined us three weeks ago."

" boy. Ok, tell him to gather up whatever information he has on the project they were working on, anything at all, then take the client to conference room B. I will be there in five which means Bernard has four minutes to give me something I can work with."

"Ok." And she was out in a flash. Kazia quickly gobbled up what was left of her coffee and in less than five minutes was making her way to conference room B with Bernard meeting her half way there.

"This everything you asked for." Bernard said handing over a file. "It was all I could get, the rest are in Mr David's office."

"Thank you Bernard." Kazia flipped through trying her best to familiarize herself with the basics of what she would be discussing with the client in the few seconds it took her to walk to the conference room.

Opening the door she found an impatient older man pacing up and down the room.

"Good morning Sir." She said making her way towards him with her hands outstretched. "I will be standing in for David this morning. Please take a sit. I understand you are in a hurry so I would love to know what brings you here today." Kazia sat at the opposite end from where he sat so that she was facing him. He looked back and forth from her to the intern and then back at her.

"I want to see David."

"I understand it's him you have been liaising with but I assure you that whatever your concerns are I can take care of it for the time being."

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