Chapter 22

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"I can't believe you told her that!"

"But it's the truth. You have forgotten I'm your mother. I know you better than anyone else. You and Kazia wouldn't have worked. Chioma is the kind of woman you need."

Raymond went on his knees till he was at eye level with his mum who sat on her bed. He placed his hands gently on hers and squeezed it. "I love you mum and I know you want the best for me. You always have but you are wrong about this. You don't know Kazia like I do. She makes me better, I can't explain it but she is special. She makes everything seem possible, she gives me peace even when it feels like everything is falling apart, knowing she is there makes it all better. She makes me feel like a love like you and Dad's is possible. I don't feel like I have found a good fit, someone that checks all the boxes, with her I feel a part of me that I never knew was missing has been found. I don't need a cook, a cleaner or a maid. I don't need someone that would take care of me, I'm not a child. I'm not saying she won't because she already does and even if she doesn't I'll take care of her, you've raised me well enough to be that kind of man."

"And I'm proud of you." She placed her hand on his cheek. "I just want to be sure you'll be ok. She seems to already have a lot on her plate, I don't want you to just be another task for her, I want to be sure you have someone looking out for you."

"That's something me and her need to figure out and we will but I can't live without her, I can't do life without her. I need you to understand that."

"If this is what you want then I have to accept it." That was as close to an apology he knew he would get form her so he simply hugged.

"Thanks mum. I need to go and find her."

He tried calling her again but this time her phone was switched off so he went to the one place he knew she would always be, her office.

"Hi Mary-Jane. I need to see Kazia.... now!"

"Good morning Sir, how are you today?"


"I'm sorry sir...she's not around today and won't be in for the rest of the week."

"Why? What happened?"

"She travelled home this morning. It was a family emergency. Something to do with her mum but I'm not sure of the details. Can I take a message for you?"

"No, thank you. I'll just try calling her again." And he did but once more he was met with a lifeless automated voice.

() () ()

As Kazia stuffed things into bags and boxes she was filed with childhood memories, back when things were simpler and her brothers were still her brothers.

"Are you ok?" Her mum walked into her room and Kazia quickly wiped the tears from her cheek, she hadn't realized had started to fall.

"Yes...I'm fine. I just can't believe they did this to you. Kicking you out of your own house. We should fight this mum, it's not fair!"

"It's ok. Let your brothers have it. I don't want to fight them, hopefully they make something of it and finally get their life together, if this helps them then they can have it. I'm going to be just fine."

"I just wish...I just wish dad didn't die. Everything won't be like this. We would all be happy."

"God has his reasons why..."

"Can we not use the God excuse. I'm sorry mum but dad was a good man and he loved God. This shouldn't be all that's left of him."

"Come. Let's sit down." They made their way to her bed and sat down. "Your dad told me not to tell you this but I have to. He knew he was sick long before he told you. That is why he took you to his office all those times and showed you all those things. He wanted to make sure you had all you needed even when he would not be here. He could have done it with your brothers but he saw something in you. I can't say why he had to die but he has always been taking care of you even till his last breath. He kept money aside which is part of what I gave you when you started your business." Her mum placed her hands on Kazia's. "I can't give you a good reason why he died but honey people fall sick all the time, he was in a lot of pain. I loved him with all my heart and hated seeing him that way. I miss him every day but I know he is in a happier place."

Kazia couldn't contain it anymore and she broke down completely. With every tear she felt all the hurt she had buried inside leave her. Rarely was she vulnerable and she was tired of trying to appear to have everything figured out, she wanted to cry, she wanted help. "I love him mum."

"I know you loved your father very much."

"Not dad, Raymond."

"Who?" Kazia rose from her mum's embrace, her face swollen from crying then she told her mum everything.

() () ()

"Well it's good to know my mum instincts aren't off. I sensed there was someone and he really does sound like a good man."

"He is mum."

"Then why are you letting this thing with his mum get to you?"

"Because it's true, isn't it?"

"If you love him and want to be with him then it shouldn't matter."

"But it does mum, she is right. How will I manage a home and a company? I love him too much to let him get anything but the best."

"First off, if any guy gets to be with you then he has the best and secondly do not let her feed you with lies. Listen to me Kazia and this is the truth. I'm not saying this because I'm your mum but you can have everything."


"Let me finish. You can have everything but you cannot do everything. You can have the husband, amazing children and a thriving business but you cannot do everything all on your own. Do not let anyone deceive you into thinking otherwise. All it means is you must get your own system, it means you will need people at work you can trust to pick up the slack on days you must be away on PTA meetings, you need a supportive partner who can take the children out when mummy needs to work and you too will be the same for him. You can have it all but you will need help and I know you're all independent ever since you were little but its ok to ask for help. Just don't give up on something good because of what someone said."

"I don't even know if he wants to talk to me anymore, I've been blowing him off."

"I'm sure he does. Come here." And her mum wrapped her in her arms for as long as she needed. Kazia hadn't felt that light and free in a while. For the first time in a while she believed everything was going to turn out just fine.

A knock on the door broke their embrace. "Are you expecting anyone mum?"

"It should be the real estate person I told you of that's coming to show us a few places. Let me go and check."

"Ok, I'll rinse off my face and be right down."

Kazia quickly straightened off her gown, packed her braids up in bun and rinsed her face, cleaning it dry with a towel. Her eyes were still swollen but she hardly felt the real estate guy would care, when she felt she was presentable she made her way downstairs and was met at the door by the last person she expected to see.


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