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⚠️Warning⚠️⚠️Mention Of Rape⚠️Please leave if sensitive towards that subject

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⚠️Mention Of Rape⚠️
Please leave if sensitive towards that subject

"Taehyung I'm home early!"
Seokjin stepped in the house and looked into the living room to see Taehyung petting a sleeping persons head while watching cartoons. This unknown person was still asleep but was laying down with his head in Taehyung's lap.

"Oh my god! Taehyung who is that?!"
Seokjin was startled because Taehyung wasn't that type of person to meet with other people.

"Jin, shh. Jungkookie is trying to sleep. I'll explain everything just don't tell mom and dad."
Taehyung replied with a low whisper.

Seokjin put down his things and changed his clothes to go back to the living room.

"Jungkookie. Wake up."
Taehyung whispered to Jungkook while lightly grabbing his cute face cheeks.

"Jungkook is awake."
Seokjin facial expressions could be read as startled, confused, with a hint of oh-the-boy's-name-is-probably-Jungkook-he-looks-really-young.

"Jungkookie, this is my brother Seokjin. Seokjin this is Jungkook."

"Hi Jungkook, where are you from?"
"Jungkook came from your basement."
"Taehyung what is he talking about?!"
"I found him in the basement. I think there is another lady living here. She sounds pretty dangerous though. It's his mom."
"Oh my god. Jungkookie come here."
Seokjin sat on the couch and hugged the youngest.

"Jungkookie, did she hurt you?"
"Mother enjoys Jungkook's pain."
"Oh my gawd. That explains your bruises and cuts."

Taehyung was done watching the oldest hold the youngest and decided to speak up.
"Kookie, I don't know your story either or how you got in my basement. Could you please tell me and Seokjin here?"
"Jungkook doesn't know much. Jungkook knows that mother knows everything. Jungkook will try to tell you all of it."

"Jungkook you could stop talking in the third person, I'll make sure to remind you of your name." Taehyung tried to say this without sounding rude cause if you said it normally, you'd sound like you are 100% judging.

"...I will try to stop."
"Ok thanks Jungkookie, go on with your story now."
"Ok. Jungk-...no. I am not sure if mother is really my mother. J-...no. I believe mother's name is Yoonji. Don't touch her, she's always got a gun on her. Mother is evil. She's not afraid to kill."
"...We have a lady thug living in our basement."
Taehyung spoke in a slightly startled voice.
"Don't call the cops on mother. It never works. Mother's probably listening to us right now."

After a moment of frightening silence, Jin spoke up.
"Maybe we should go to the store to buy...clothes? Yeah clothes for Jungkook."
"Good idea Jin."
"I know."


"Jungkookie, Yoonji sounds like a bad mom. Let me be your mom instead so if you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me anything." Jin was talking to Jungkook like how a person would talk to a 5 year old.

"Umm. Ok. Thank you mommy."
"Oh my gawd Jungkookie you are so cute."
"Jin, he was my friend first. Stop treating him like a child. I also have to use the restroom so hold my phone."
"Ok bye Taetae."
"Bye Tae."
"Bye? I ain't leaving forever."
"Just stay safe. Ok?"
Jin spoke in his motherly tone once again.
"Ok Mama Jin."

30 Minutes Later


"Mom, I hope Taehyung is okay."
" Me too Jungkookie, maybe he had a bad stomach ache."
"Lets go to the bathroom to see if he's ok."
"Good idea Jungkookie."


Jungkook's and Jin noticed a large crowd around the mens restroom and started to grow more worried.

"Excuse me ma'am, may I ask why there is a bit of a crowd here?"
"Oh. They found a young man naked and unconscious in the stall. Poor boy. Heard he had some sick things done to him."
"Oh my-no. I-I hope its not who I think it is."
"Mom should we check?"
"We have every right to do so."

-After Pushing Through Large Crowd-

Jungkook and Jin came across a site they never wanted to have seen.

"That's my brother! Who is this sick bastard who done this?! Who done this!?!? What kind of sick fucker would do this to my Taetae!?"

"Mommy what happened? Why is Taetae like that?"

"A sick man has done a horrible thing to Taetae."
Seokjin had tears running towards the bottom of his depressed features.

Jungkook didn't know what was going on but he felt angry and upset that someone would do something like that to such a nice person. Jungkook cried as well.

-Hospital Room-

Taehyung was not alright.

Taehyung had his legs beaten with a hammer, his arms and back filled with cuts and bruises, his neck had red marks with some bruising, and he hasn't woken up yet.

A/N Ok I'm Ik That was unexpected and a very bad thing I did. Don't worry it'll get better. Sorry readers. Thank you for reading though. <3 Btw please comment, I love hearing what y'all gotta say. <3 thanks sunshine

 <3 thanks sunshine

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