I Think So

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"Nurse, help!"Jungkook was in panic and he only paid attention to the boy beside him

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"Nurse, help!"
Jungkook was in panic and he only paid attention to the boy beside him. They eagerly pressed on the button for help while Jungkook was yelling for a nurse to come quick.

A short while after, a doctor came and asked everybody to leave the room. Jungkook didn't want to leave at first but knew he couldn't do anything about it so he agreed on staying out. While he was out, he sat next to Jin.

"Mommy Jin?"
Jungkook looked at Jin with curiosity and worry written on his face.

Jin looked back at Jungkook.
"Yes Jungkookie?"

"I don't want Taetae to get hurt anymore. I have a weird feeling from him though."
Jin looked down then back at Jungkook and had suspicion on his face.

"What kind of feeling Jungkookie?"
Jin was slightly smirking while asking Jungkook. Jin always knew something was off about the two together.

"I dunno. He gives me this feeling where my insides do flips and I want to puke. He makes my stomach feel funny. He makes my heart ache. He makes me jealous of others when they're around him. He makes me feel safe. He makes my body ache. Is that a bad thing? Am I ill too? Am I going to die now?"
Jungkook turned back to face Jin but was met with Jin on the verge of laughing and crying.

"Mom, what's so funny?"
Jungkook crossed his arms and pouted his lips at the thought of Jin laughing at him.

"Oh. No. I'm not laughing at you. It's just I'm so happy this is happening! I shipped it from the beginning!"
Jin started to laugh more and the tears in his eyes were visible.

"What's happening? What does ship mean?"
Jungkook no longer crossed his arms nor pouted. He instead held curiosity in his face.

"Taekook! Taekook is happening!"
Jin started to jump and laugh around.

Mr. Kim didn't want to sit by them so he kept his distance. Although he kept his distance, he could still see his son going crazy.
"Seokjin! Stop misbehaving!"

"Stop it Dad! Let it happen! Let your two sons love each other!"
Jin stopped jumping once he rethought what he just said. He received weird glares from everybody that heard his sentence. Jungkook face palmed once he saw this happen.

" Kim Seokjin! Stop being ridiculous! No son of mine will be gay!"
Mr. Kim was furious with Jin's words.

Jin implanted a smirk onto his face.
"Then you're going to hate the fact that both of your son's are gay."
Jin chuckled while watching his Dad's world fall apart.

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