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While the group was watching a movie, they heard Namjoon's phone rang.

"Joonie, who is it?"
Jin spoke slightly tired from the movie he had no interest in.

"Babe, it's your phone. Maybe they're returning it to you."
Namjoon looked at Jin with curiosity.

"No, answer it, I saw the ho grab my phone and run."
Jin looked irritated while reminiscing the scene of his phone getting stolen.

"Umm ok. Hello?"

Namjoon heard deep breathing through the phone.

"What the fuck? You steal my boyfriend's phone and just breathe into it like a dumbass? Why'd you steal it? I can call the cops on you bitch! What the fuck do you want!?"

"Give Jungkook back to me and nobody will get hurt."
The voice was low and intimidating. The voice was more of a whisper that wasn't pleasant to listen to.
Beep beep beep.

The call was done.

"Jungkook, she wants you back."
Namjoon looked upset.

Once Taehyung heard that, he used his arms to jump out of the wheelchair and onto Jungkook.

"No one can take my Kookie! She can go shit herself!"
Taehyung spoke with anger and sadness running through his voice.

"Kookie, you promise not to leave me?"
Taehyung was pleading to Jungkook with his sad eyes and pouting lips.

"Umm...yeah sure."
Jungkook couldn't say no to him. Jungkook knew he shouldn't keep promises that could break but Taehyung has seemed to cheer up after Jungkook's reply.

-At Night-

The group ended up watching movies the whole day. The rest ended up leaving the house near nighttime. Jin and Joon slept together while Tae and Kook slept together.

In the middle of the night, Jungkook was in deep thought. He knows how his mother is. She would hurt everybody around her just to get she wants. He knows if he stays, she will hurt all 6 of them, especially Taehyung.

With that thought, he slowly crept out of Taehyung's sleepy cuddling and left through the window that Jin broke. He made sure to leave notes behind. One for each person.

Hi Mommy Jin

Stay safe and no more breaking windows. Thank you for being my other mother. I love you. Thank you so much. Please don't expect to see me anymore. Please forget about me. Im sorry for the trouble I've caused. I hope you find a better sweater.



Hi Namjoon

Thank you for inviting us in your house. Thank you for everything. Please don't expect me to come back, that depends on my mother. I'm sorry for putting everybody in danger. Please tell Jin to not break the windows if he leaves his keys again.



Hi Taetae

Thank you for the cuddles, the warmth, and the love you've given me. Please take care of yourself while I'm gone. I'm sorry for what happened to you at the store. Don't be sad I left. I'm sorry for making a promise I knew I would break. Don't call the cops.
I love you.



Jungkook tried climbing out of the window but got cut in the process from all the glass. Jungkook left blood all over the window without knowing.


Taehyung shifted to all the sides of the bed until he woke up from how uncomfortable he was. He rubbed his eyes and looked to his side only to see ruffled bed sheets and an empty space. Taehyung immediately felt a stone of concern weigh him down. Taehyung felt his heart sink and his head ache. Taehyung fell out of bed and crawled his way to the restroom. Taehyung then saw a piece of paper on the drawer that had nothing on it before. Taehyung reached up for the paper and succeeded in getting it but ended up falling hard to the ground again.

Taehyung took a look at the note and started to cry. He cried while lying on the ground and felt more stones fall upon him and his heart shattered from falling. Taehyung cried so hard that it became hard for him to breathe and his cries became louder and louder. His cries were the only thing that could be heard in the house.

"Joonie, wake up. I hear something."
Jin whispered to his sleeping boyfriend.
"Hmm. Ok."
Namjoon sat up with Jin and made their way out the bedroom door to hear the cries louder and louder.
They panicked and immediately ran to Taehyung and Jungkook's room.

The duo opened the door to see Taehyung on the floor screaming and crying while holding a piece of paper.

"Taehyung what's wrong?!"
Jin said in a loud voice for the boy to hear.
Namjoon did not speak but instead carried Taehyung to his bed and let Jin speak.

"My Jungkookie."
Taehyung whispered while sobbing.

"Where is Jungkook?"
Namjoon questioned.

"He's gone."

A/N Please comment in these chapters. Thank you for reading. Also, there is no major character deaths in this story. Thank you for reading.<3


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