It Still Hurts

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Taehyung ended up running out of the building leaving a dead Jungkook behind

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Taehyung ended up running out of the building leaving a dead Jungkook behind. Taehyung stayed in the car till Jin and Namjoon came back.

Namjoon breaks the unsettling silence with the sounds of the keys and the car engine. "Taehyung, Jungkook wouldn't want you to be depressed. Please take care of yourself."
Namjoon just kept looking towards the road while speaking to the depressed boy.

"I know but it's not that easy."
Taehyung closed his eyes and tried to take his mind off of Jungkook.

-At Taehyung & Jin's House-

"Taehyung, Namjoon is staying over today, you can go rest now. Please don't do anything stupid."
Jin then walked away with Namjoon to his bedroom to sleep.

Taehyung didn't answer but instead just went to bed. He tried to sleep but he heard it. He heard the loud cries and screams of an abused victim in the middle of a violent session. Taehyung heard nothing but those horrific sounds that haunts him. He got off bed and put his ear against the floor to hear the sounds much more profound. Taehyung grabs a pocket knife and crawls under his bed. He swiftly stabs the ground constantly till he made a hole in the floors. He peeked through the hole and saw something that made his stomach churn.

Jungkook was getting hit and cut by Yoonji in another area of the basement. Jungkook was chained and tied up. Taehyung started to cry at the sight of the defenseless boy that he cared for. Taehyung made the hole bigger and jumped down with his pocket knife and phone. He quickly stabbed Yoonji out of nowhere and hit her anywhere he could.
Taehyung killed Yoonji.

Jungkook smiled and started crying.
"Taehyung, you've found me. Thank you."
Jungkook couldn't stop crying because of his new injuries and also because he was happy seeing Taehyung.

"Jungkook. You shouldn't have left me."
Taehyung cut Jungkook's ropes from his body so he'd be freed. Taehyung hugged Jungkook really tight.
"I thought you died. I saw your dead body in the woods."
"I saw someone in the woods, he looked like you but he was dead."
"Oh, did it look like a recent death?"
"Umm yeah. I think it was suicide."
"Oh, he must've been my brother."
"Oh...sorry for your loss. By the way, I was hugging your brother really tight."
"Oh...what are we supposed to do with Yoonji?"
"...I got some people that could help."

They both stood up but with Taehyung holding Jungkook up due to his injuries. They went to Yoonji's place and took all the papers and files from her to figure out the past.

They crawled back up and went to sleep together.


Jungkook and Taehyung slept tightly in each other's embrace. Taehyung already lost Jungkook once and he can't afford to lose him again. Taehyung got what he wanted but what he got was way more broken than last time. Jungkook's beatings were severe and he was fed less once Yoonji had him back.

Jungkook was weak and Taehyung was still depressed just thinking about Jungkook's mental and physical state. Taehyung knew how he would act now. Extremely clingy. He just hopes Jungkook wouldn't mind.

Jungkook woke up face to face with a wide awake Taehyung that was staring at him. Jungkook just smiled.
"Morning Tae. Were you watching me sleep?"
Jungkook's voice was kind of soft and quiet.

"Morning Kookie. I was watching you sleep. You look cute when you sleep."
Taehyung answered Jungkook with confidence that Jungkook thought was cute.
Jungkook also turned some shades of pink from Taehyung's compliment.
"I have to use the restroom."
Jungkook spoke to break off the silence and staring.
"I'll come with you Jungkookie."
Taehyung looked at Jungkook with happiness.
"...I have to use the restroom."
Jungkook used emphasis on use to make sure Taehyung would understand that he had to piss.
"I'll be behind the shower curtain. I promise I won't look or anything. I just don't want to be alone."
Taehyung looked sad and was waiting for Jungkook to laugh at him for being weird. Jungkook never laughed instead he agreed Taehyung could stay with him.
"You can stay but don't get disgusted once I use it."
"I won't."

-In The Restroom-

Taehyung immediately stepped in the shower behind the curtain. Jungkook peed real quick and just talked with Taehyung how much they missed each other while they were brushing their teeth.


Namjoon was at the table and Jin was cooking up something in the kitchen for breakfast. Taehyung was carrying Jungkook on his back to make sure he wouldn't lose him.

Jin turned around and greeted Taehyung but screamed at Jungkook.

"Good morning Taehyung. Glad to see y-AHHHHHHH OH MY GAWD!"

Sorry I updated late. I've been kind of busy. Thank you for reading anyways. I really appreciate it.


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