Chapter Three

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News of Beumonshire had spread like fire. Elenor was shocked watching the news. It was exactly as she had seen, Zack was the throne king and not Ron, but as she had seen it was Ron who was the rightful heir with the royal birthmark. It amazed her how the mark wasn’t seen. Usually what she predicted did come true but when royal matters were concerned she wasn’t sure unless she steps into Beumonshire to know the truth herself and if she ever steps the territory she would be tracked down.

Elenor never wanted to be a servant to anyone as her parents were even though her parents served the royalty with pleasure.

The number of dead kept rising. It was a bothersome crises that had to be controlled. She watched transfixed at the new telecasted. Zack was handsome. His six feet height complimented his built, dark sun tanned skin, light green, shadow painted pupil shown in the lights. He was royal, the way he carried his body, his personality. It was attractive but demonic in a way. He didn’t look a peaceful angel who came down on earth to spread love but he had an image of a destructor.

Elenor sighed comparing him with the man named Ron. The same chiselled body of her dream, her real spouse.

She didn’t approve of the term mate. Technically it was vampirical term where bonds once created couldn’t be broken but being a mortal she would love to call it spouse. If they ever were bound with blood ties she would be the most powerful witch of her being. But the royal luxury she had come to despise, she would have to give into it and be one of them.

Elenor was considering how long would she be able to be far from Ron. Her craving for him was increasing as day passed. Every sun set would whisp floods of eroctic images in her head making her ache in place she never thought would ache so much. She was always surrounded with tension. Images of his face kept disturbing her night, her dreams, she felt all jelly in intimate places. It was heights when she allowed a man passing by her on Crock Street to drag her in the darkest corner and fondle with her breast imagining the man as Ron. When she was about to kiss him did she realise she was hallucinating the man for Ron.

She was getting weaker; the blood in her body didn’t make her feel energetic following with powers of a witch. Food tasted dull, all she could think was of Ron, the way she felt his touch in her vision, her desperate need to touch and be touched. Elenor was always on edge.

Her temper flared listening to Zack’s interview. He so proudly said that a town, country of such stature are bound to have criminal activities. Zack didn’t feel ashamed over his lack of control or support to his people. A sum of money could help a patient cure his physical damages but emotional support he had to give was no where coming. ‘Son of a bitch’ she muttered. This proved his lack of ruling capabilities. Pictures of dead pale bloodless bodies being carried on a gurney made her flinch, puke as well. Elenor felt the air choking her. She switched off the television walking out of her room into the lonely street.

Her job was running just fine. The clientele had increased under her bring more orders for breads, cakes and dairy product. Well she had managed to get a small job while she was still busy trying to fetch a job that would make her career. This job suited her giving her enough space to run about in the wild when she needed it and even fill her pocket for living. If she had served the royals she would be in a luxurious house practising her powers as and when she wanted in open without fear of being caught.

What if she went to the royals? Would they take her in? Surely they would take her in after all she was a viewforth but would she be able to stand Ron while she lust around him?

Her mind was playing games. She was considering going to Beumonshire her birth place. Elenor was certain she was needed there, her senses were activated. Duties came first. She was nurtured with that by her mother. Elenor couldn’t take the situation lightly especially when news of people going missing and then being discovered dead was being highlighted repeatedly.

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