Chapter Eighteen

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‘Would you be needing something else?’ Shniell kept the pebbles besides the fire. They weren’t some ordinary stones they were binded with chants, perfect shaped marble pebbles. ‘as you asked four aromatic candles placed in each corners. Set of three pebbles placed in four with one set in the middle. The pattern has rightly followed around each corner. A mat is placed before the fire’ Shinell looked at her from head to toe and frowned ‘Why have you worn a garb? a black one?’ She teased ‘is there something sexy underneath it?’

‘Realllly? is it? would you be continuing the garb on? It looks sexy. Infact it has an air of a witch, which you are but obvious…..and something adorned by secrets in its black hue’ she chewed on her bottom lips. Ele was watching her intently.

Ele had the exact same answer to it but she wondered what made Shinell turn form a chattering box to a scared kitten. ‘does a witch get angry?’ Was Elenor suppose to answer her question? Ele was confused whether to tilt her head and laugh or continue watching her change shades like a chameleon.  

‘Yes we do’ now that was what bothered her. She taught Ele had been angry to her outburst of her wearing apparel. Ele forced herself to pull on a grim face just to continue the charade.

‘What do you do when you are……?’

‘Turn them into a toad’ Her eye were wider and her mouth formed a big ‘O’

‘No’ she frantically shook her head and bit harder on her bottom lip.

‘Are you angry on me Ele?. Now I didn’t mean to make any remarks on such a beautiful garb of yours. It certainly flowed’

Ele couldn’t hold it for long. She bursted laughing. ‘The secret is inside. See and let me see what you say?’ she easily untangled her arms off the garb standing before Shinell. She was an epitome of beauty. In the darkness she was the stark contrast to what she had on her body a minute ago…. a black garb’


Ele laughed ‘thats all you have to say’

‘Ron’s little man in his pants would have problem standing before you on his two feets if he had the opportunity to pleasure his eyes’ red blush blessed her cheek. ‘Shinell I think its time I start’

‘You are blushing!...OMG’

‘Its the heat from the candles’ she covered.

‘Hot candles hmm’ Ele blushed further ‘sexy fantasy. candle lit room, king size bed, pellucid red night gown’ she began whispering in her ear making it sound even more hot, sexy, and lusty. ‘Ron with nothing on…..’ Ele could see herself imagining those erotic images.

‘Shinell Beumonshire. I think I need to start’ Ele couldn’t stop imaging. She tried being harsh and sound strict but it wasn’t coming out like she wanted it to. Her breathing went from fast to shallow. Imagining herself eroticaly performing in his arms. Ele pressed her thighs tighter to stop from responding. ‘Sexy fantasy candle lit room, only candles lit in the backyard. No king size bed beside these green grass and no red night gown but these black garb’ Ele pointed out.

‘That black grab is a sexy number I say’

‘Shinell’ her lips were plastered into a lopsided smile.

Shinell stopped and kissed her cheek ‘save the details about for me’ and affectionately patted her shoulder.

‘Later’ Ele sighed a thanks to heaven for saving her from more lusty storms in her head.

‘You promise’

‘I do Shinell’ Shinell wouldn’t leave Elenor until she knew all about it.

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