Chapter Six

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Lily tried shoving Ron away from Frazer frowning at her brothers. Ron was furious. Lily could understand how protective Ron was feeling. His shoulder muscles bulged and tensed, spine stiff, lips set in a thin line, eyes intimidating Frazer, his arm clutched Frazers shirt digging holes in them.

Ele witnessed both the  brothers after each others neck and she was the reason behind it. She hated it but in one corner of her heart she was pleased to see Ron standing for her. He protected her. If not for him she would have been dead any minute. Ele turned her eyes towards Lily. She was scared but the women had enough guts to stand in between two furious vampires. They had a strong bond running undercurrent. Lily had managed to stop them both.

Lily understood this was the initial stage for Ron. it was much complicated and difficult time for both him and Ele. On the other hand Frazer watched his brother wide eyed venturing his eyes between the women and him. He realized he had touched the wrong side of the knife but he could hardly help himself. The women had spoken dis-respectively to his brother and even flung objects on him this was something he couldn't take lightly. The only one mistake he did was stepping closer to her, her scent called out to him……….. ‘foolish move’ he cursed.

Ele felt the air stretched tight between them if Lily wouldn't have interrupted she dread what would happen. Ele casted her eyes towards the blond woman standing beside Frazer who was scarred shivering from root. How amazed was Elenor to watch a woman of such power shiver from fright. Her mere existence would make a human turn pale but here she was frightened.

Frazer caught the reason at which Ele was starring. Quickly he was beside the women holding her shivering frame in his arms soothing her hair. Slowly he fingered her hair speaking in a calming relaxing voice to her. Ele all of a sudden felt jealous watching him hug and sooth her. When was it last that she was held in someones arms? longer than she remember before her parents died.

Ron wiped down the rolling tear from her cheek. He swirled Ele starring into her misery filled eye. She was hurting from within. He was confused. Was she scarred of what transferred by? or is it something else? he couldn’t place his finger on. It was she who had returned then why these tears?. But as a matter of fact if not for her he would have anyways dragged her body and herself here in Beumonshire.

It was an awkward silence between them. Ele could not control the rolling emotion in her, wanting to rest her head in the crook of his shoulder blade and feel his arms around her. Such leisure she couldn’t afford especially when she forced herself not to get drowned in lust for him to complete the bond. Quickly Ele stepped away facing her back towards him.

If she touched him she would get lost in a carnal place, bound to him completely.  

Ele looked attentively at the women in Frazer’s arm. Frazer did care about her ‘Let me introduce you to my wife’ Frazer lightly tugged the women to his side ‘Shinell’ he smiled. Elenor was surprised to see a sudden change in Frazer. He was no longer frowning at her or approaching her for her blood. Ele’s gaze veered to Ron who was smiling at her. She shook clearing her head and smiled at the women. ‘My wife is new to this world. She will soon come along’ with that he nodded at Ron gesturing him. They were having their personal talks through eyes.

‘Isn’t she supposed to assail on me rather than Frazer. She has just been turned’ Ron read the confusion in her head

‘She is well fed on Frazer’s blood already. She wouldn’t come for you’ Ele jumped at his thick voice behind her.

‘is he? ………….’  She looked sharply at him ‘are you ……….. can you read?’ Ele stammered in confusion. She had difficulty framing words. Her mouth had opened in an oval shape shocked ‘what else?’

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