Chapter Ten

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‘Basking in the sun?’  his enthusiastic voice disrupted her thought. He had read it all, the commotion in her head, her fear and then finally her decision. He stayed back protecting her throughout the night waiting for her to smile. All that he witnessed was her lips set into a thin line and her face grave.    

Ele bended her shoulder to one side looking over her shoulder at Ron who was perched on the ground some feet away from her. ‘are you following me?’  

‘And if I am then?’ Ron challenged.

Anger spiked in her eyes, she stared into his eyes for a while concentrating on a single spot between his eyes. Trying to see through him, reading everything that had registered in his head. He heard them speak, eavesdrop all the while she was busy speaking to Marri. He read her confusion, thoughts, what they had spoken he heard it all. Including her decision of completing the bond ‘It was private, you had no right to stay back and be part of what colloquy between me and Marri. How dare you?’ Ele growled.

A sharp pain evoke between Ron's’ eyes. Going off balance his spine hit the ground. Ron shut his eyes trying to push away the waves of pain occupying in the center of his head expanding to his eye. it burned and was throbbing. Neither did the sun do any good, shining high and bright. Ron’s skin was on flame. Heat burned his skin. Angry red burnt patches formed on his arm, hands and neck. His shrill, piercing sound made Ele shiver.

A raven black chocolate brown bead eyes cuckoo flew away at the high-pitched piercing scream. Ele froze in place, She thought to teach him a lesson with milder punishment but her reflexes were shocked. Did she do that to him? quickly she lidded her eyes taking in deep breath and letting her anger ease. She shook her head and stayed put for a second or two. Ron had calmed down by now, he no longer was on his back gripped in pain. He rolled his head on the soft grass ‘You did that?’

Ele rushed to his side ‘sorry’ wiping sweat from his brow ‘this is the first time......’ she perceived that pained look on his face ‘I never knew I could. My anger bought it out’

‘Break a vampire into rigorous pain’ Ron smiled and glanced at the horizon and watched the birds fly ‘I was worried you may come across some adherent supporters of Zack but you can throw a vampire on his knees in minutes and burn them too’ he shifted glancing at her. Her eyes were down casted ‘did you just lift the sun protection seal up? it killed me’

Ele fixed him an astonished look ‘No’

‘it baked me’ those burnt patches were slowly fading.

‘I dont know what i am capable off and what i am not’ she caressed his marks ‘they are healing’ she raised her eyes to meet his ‘i don’t know if i raised the seal’ she wetted her lower lips in nervousness and guilt ‘I’m sorry.... it was the first time that I have experienced such ability in me’

His wounds had disappeared. Red swollen flesh rapidly began to fade to fresh baby pale skin. No scar or a sign of burnt mark. His skin was been back to normal. ‘abilities are to be searched, chiseled, sharpened and put to use. You have to search the strength of your powers’

Ron stared at the invisible wound she was looking at ‘amazing right?’

‘You heal fast’ She more like whispered to herself. astonishment so clearly readable on her face. Her eyes wide with wet eyelashes, cherry lips parted. Ron wanted to kiss but didn’t chance it. He didn’t want to experience the same excruciating pain he had gone through minutes ago.

Ron chuckled at his own thought. He was deviced to kill, hunt his prey. Centuries since he had never heard of a vampire fear something. He would be the first, certainly not the last.

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