Chapter Twenty - Three

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It felt better to finally speak the truth or rather show them. Marri had left behind Zack, Ron, Frazer, Elenor, Shinell, Rachel, all the council member. Right now she was concentrating holding Mervinto’s hand in hers expecting miracle to occur from hands of a mortal.

It happened air…. air. It was all air, cold, warm. Her bone were weak. She shut her eyes tighter concentrating. She could do this. Witch powers would help her. She couldn’t wait for Elenor to wake out of her slumber and work for her from behind. Showing the vision couldn’t cost her life and Marri was ready for it but only after she showed the vision. Mervinto’s eyes snapped open ‘this can kill you?’ his eyes shot open. Surprise rang in his question.

‘Shhh!, did you hear that’ Marri’s eyes were glinting ‘They were my thoughts’

‘I did’ Marri smiled ‘I need to work harder right ? harder? ok then’ Once more she shut her eyes from the outer world and smiled. She began from the beginning. This time it worked. Marri didn’t let her concentration be disturbed by her thoughts.

Blue, red light shimmered, day broke open in his head. Mervinto seen Elenor standing there watching out. It was sunny, bright light spread and shimmering on her. The brightness reminded him of the brighter side of Elenor. She was far from darkness. Within a wink, daylight turned to night. A foggy night. She was still standing there silent. Marri pushed further. From somewhere behind the shadows Marri entered. Entering into deep conversation with Ele.

Mervinto witnesses the true story. Marri had finally succeeded in showing the truth. It worked out as Marri wanted it to work.

Mervinto snapped his eye open. He seen it all It move smoothly in his head, Mervinto seen Ron and then the mark. Zack, his orders. He stepped behind not weakening at the sight of Marri all frail and weak  ‘so this was it?’

‘What?’ Ron’s interest peeked ‘what is it?’

‘You cheated there too’ Mervinto reproached Zack.

‘I don’t recollect what this is about’

‘We have taken a wrong decision on what impact that Zack would explain’ Zack looked from right to left ‘Wouldn’t you? or do you wants us to force it out of your mouth?’ he rolled his eyes, moving his stiff shoulder into small circles, mentally fabricating stories to say.

‘It was the ultimate truth’

‘You messed?’ Ron intervened. He frowned. If he had his hand in this Ron would bury him deep in grounds.

‘I didn’t’ He had the guts to speak lie on their face.

‘You were never to be the heir to the throne’ realisation drowned Rachel and all the others existing there ‘How?’

‘Lost interest in your husband now?’ he stared squarely at Rachel.

‘Long before you did’ She spat.

‘Ron. Brother you were never competent’

‘Who are you to say that?’

‘The King’ he was blithe in his expression.

Frazer penetrated his head searching. Zack felt cold between his eye. He frowned ‘Do you think you can read my head that easily little brother. Lets make this easier for you’ll’

‘Fathers death gave me way to mess with the tattoo. Your is the original’ he pointed at Ron ‘your witch caught my trick in her vision or else this wouldn’t show up’ for a minute he looked preoccupied ‘Details, isn’t it? I knew you were in the line to be called for the throne. I started working on that and had an invisible tattoo by myself. Kept you busy behind my affairs. In your non existence I had it all sorted’ Silence.

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