Chapter Twenty

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‘Rachel’ Elenor followed her ‘Rachel stop’

‘You cannot go ordering me’ Rachel hit the vase standing proudly beside her hand. It crashed the carpeted floor into pieces. It was exquisite. Jade, entirely jade with growing veils design, bird sitting on them, design of blooming flowers broken petal by petal. It might have costed a large- mouthed wallet, above Eleanor's imagination ‘this this stuffs’ she flew her hands in the air, ripping the velvet crimson curtains, knocking off another jade vase along, crashing the high perched oval mirror on the wall. ‘All this luxury didn’t make me happy, this carpet, silk, gold, silver all was his gift for me to keep me off his way, away from him and I...fool acquainted as per his need. Danced along his plan, did what he planned’ She flunged her hand over her pearl necklace. Pearls of millions per cost scattered on the floor. ‘Do I look mad to you?’ she asked with all seriousness.

‘No’ Ele replied quickly ‘Is it bad for a women to try to get her husband? Is it bad to ever fall in love and think it was a fairy tale come true? do you think Polly has intentionally let this doom on all of you’ll including herself?. No Rachel she is equally being played along’

Nothing was wrong in dreaming, believing, feeling, loving and that is what both Polly and Rachel had done. But got most of the hurt for believing they would be loved and on the other side Mishka was being hurt for being Zack’s only love ‘Rachel both you and Polly are in the same situation. You cannot blame the girl for losing her love and faith in Zack. She will never be able to trust and love again. She would always think they are cut of the same piece of cloth. Zack has not only destroyed your life but of most people in his way’

Rachel legs buckled on the floor leaning her head against the wall. ‘I’m angry and I’m sorry’

‘I know can see the anger bubble and there is no need to be sorry it is natural’

‘Sometime back I told Ron I’m in love and now I’m behaving like a hypocrite’ Rachel bent to gather the pieces of broken vase. She had to be busy to keep talking.

‘There is no need for your to do that. No one will run a car over you for doing this to such beautiful pieces of art’

‘Stop mocking me. This will help me speak working always help me cast my eyes down and speak my heart out’ Rachel curled an end of the carpet laying each piece in it ‘I’m angry for I wasted so many immortal years on Zack waiting. When I had stepped here first I literally though Zack would eventually miss me and come pleading to be in his life but nothing of such happened’ Ele bent to help her pick ‘I stayed and learnt to live alone’

‘Who is your lover?’ Rachel raised her head. Her eyes narrow in shape of thin line.

‘Oh! come on, if looks could kill but it can’t. So stop staring and let words flow’

‘My best friend lately he have been visiting me’ Ele stopped in what she was doing and stared at Rachel who very finely was ignoring her.

‘What good does it make me if I’m of no help to you in romance’

Rachel smiled ‘now i know why Ron is head over heals for you’

‘It doesn’t include humor there but we were always created for each other he is part of me and i can’t stay without him’ Ele sighed ‘this way or another I found my love and Ron had to give enough head banging, mind swirling lip treatment to let my guards down for him’ Rachel laughed ‘so is this friend …nop! lover you say has been planning for a vampwedding to you. Two vamplovy birds knotted kind off, of course after we give Zack a good shake... off the throne’

‘He's a human’  Rachel again concentrated on picking pieces ‘I wouldn’t like Veno bending and screwing his spine over the mess I have created’ she was trying to change topic.

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