Chapter Fifteen

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Mishka slowly crept into the great hall. She was composed, calm like a sea. The hall was silent. The palace hall carried elegant Roman style pillars holding the dome shape ceiling. There were doors of dome shaped and had exotic carvings on it. Crimson red curtains with trimmed golden border danced in air. They were velvet just like her skirt. Red and velvet, thigh length, slit on both the sides. Her torso was covered with black silk decollage neck pearl white lace covering her shoulder to wrist. Copper red ringlets were left loose on her shoulder with smoky eye makeup, she had turned her plump cherry bow lips glossy red. Zack loved it that way. Over the years of her captivity she had learnt not to refuse Zack in anything he asked. It was rarely that she asked for something by him. He usually believed in stealing it away from her. She had already been robbed of her soul, body even her blood. ‘Mishka!!’

Oh she still loved the man, his voice made her crave his touch. Those nights, their love making his body against her... she missed it. Missed it all. Mishka sighed but kept walking ‘Mishka’ a perfect moron. she did feel the need to bang his head hard on a rock to make him realise what he had done, she lost him, lost her sister and now she was nothing more than Zacks concubine, his walky talky doll. ‘Mishka’ he called out again ‘where are you going?’

‘Why are you following me Blake?’ she halted, her shoulder was stiff rod like. Mishka looked over her shoulder.

‘I’m not following you’ he said sternly. ‘i’m doing my duty’ she smiled although her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

‘Just like you did years ago’ Blake clenched his jaw. Her words pricked his wounded spot. Every time he watched, tried speaking to her he would always notice anger, hatred, complaints and unshed tears. They no longer shined the way they once did. hiddenly meeting each other, gentle touches, those mischievous smiles, kissing each other while Marta, her head servant didn’t see. He ran his eyes over her clothes, she didn't even dress like this before. He loved her the way she was in pleated skirt till her ankle, polo shirt, long sleeves and her copper red hair left undone in a messy ponytail. He loved when she bit her lips drawing his attention. Ones he kissed those lips, felt them against his, he couldn’t stop himself from biting them, wanting for more. They made such a beautiful couple only to be destroyed and he did that with his own hands.

Would it be different if he hadn’t bartered Mishka’s sister in his selfishness? His selfishness to have her forever ruined him. Zack tricked him and cunningly made Mishka his whore in return of her sisters freedom. Zack had promised Blake he would let them live as couple but Zack never kept his word. His life was a living curse for eternity. It had killed him the first time when he watched Mishka being dragged by Zack pulling her by her hair into his room. She had begged constantly to let her and her sister go. Blake could do nothing but stand and watch. He was scared to go against Zack. Her screams were still fresh in his ear. He spent all night sitting outside Zack’s room covering his ears forcing himself to be seated. That was his punishment. Blake had thought he wouldn't suffer again after such brutal punishment to his heart but even after years every time she stepped into Zack’s room he died. With every passing minute she spent in his room, his heart threatened him to stop. Refusing to move away until she was out of hell... Zacks room. It is crazy to stand out and guard while the only woman he loved was forced to be with a man who had rapped her nuemorous times.

Mishka was right to have criminal idea’s over him, at least it would end his misery.

She turned to leave ‘Zack is not there’ it wasn’t something new. Very few of his trusted ones knew when he came and left and certainly she was not one of them but tonight she had to try her luck as far as possible. ‘I have received his call’

‘I don't think he is in.....’

‘He certainly is’ she spoke over clenched teeth ‘he is suffering from tight pant and he wants me to get rid of.....’

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