Chapter Seven

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Ele watched Lily play with kitchen scissor. she glanced at Shinell bundled in one corner. It would be best not to raise questions about her being the murderer. Lily chopped some lettuce leaves going along with some dash of chilli, vinegar, sugar combination for salad. Her platter was ready with saffron rice, ham and healthy broccoli. She was very enthusiastic as a cook. Her pleasure shone ‘wonder how good cook you make especially when you do not eat’ Ele gestured towards the authentic food before her ‘aromatic. My tummy is growling’ she patted her abdomen trying to make light of the tensed sceen in the kitchen.

‘Dylin loved to eat. He was crazy and I loved to watch him eat, that’s the way love took birth. The twinkle in his eyes while he eat’ Lily smiled ‘I loved it’ she sighed ‘wish it could be the same even now’ at the same time she smiled ‘although he cannot eat anymore and me cannot cook for him anymore but............... we will be together forever. That sounds even better to me’. Ele noded and couldn’t stop but again glance at Shinell. Shinell caught her staring at her.

‘I was hungry’ She sobbed even more harder than before. Lily threw her spatula on the kitchen counter.

‘How did you find her or… or should I say him? where? when? and why didn’t you tell us? or tell Frazer about it?’ Lily interrogated like a true investigator. Ele wanted to ask the exact same questions. The sob came even more louder. A blondy vamp with sharp fangs and big fat tears did go well at all.

‘I Should have spoken’ Blondy wiped her nose clean.

‘Yes you should have damn. Do you even realise how do we feel on getting stale news’

‘I feel equally awful Lily’ the sound of whimpering filled the room. ‘i was scared to hell’

‘you didn’t even tell Fazer’ Lily pointed her with her stare. Lily’s interrogation wasn’t helping Shinell to open up. ‘Easy’ Ele ran her hand over her back ‘you're being too hard’

‘Seriously?’ Lily threw her arm exasperatedly

Ele coaxed Shinell to speak, enlighten them further ‘I was hungry’

‘You’ve said that’ Lily was mad, totally wild with ire.

‘Shhh’ Ele stopped her ‘Shinell’

‘I needed blood’ lily sighed and looked over Shinell’s shoulder. Well Shinell was constantly repeating the one thing that both Ele nor Lily wanted to hear ‘and’ that bought some interest to both Ele and Lily ‘there was shortage of blood in stored. Frazer had the last bottle available and I was dry thin out of hunger. My muscles were tearing inside, closing over my lungs. I seen my skin running dry, even more pailer that got me scared. The ache in my belly grew with every breath.  Frazer would be guilty of drinking the last supply when i need the most. My eyesight was bleary. I wanted to hear blood pulsing’ her eyes were distant reliving it ‘i was in search of a prey and she walked out from middle of nowhere in the woods’ shinell licked her lips shaking her head, not averting her eyes from the kitchen counter ‘I couldn’t stop myself. Blood flowed like honey in my mouth. She tasted so good. My fangs was alive sucking juices out. As the blood flowed in I kept moaning, sighing for more’ She paused Ele swallowed the lump in her throat ‘i drained her. After she was dead did I realised what i just did?’ Shinell closed her eyes ‘it was too late. She was dead’ Frazer stood there at the kitchen door listening.

Neither Lily nor Ele could speak a word thier scorched throat made no noise at all. Frazer quietly walked in hugged Shinell in his arms and zoomed out.

Lily stood there at the counter. Blank eyes. Each of them had already been in that situation before, blood was their weakness Ele could almost touch their pain. The pain that Lily was going through just listening to what Shinell just confessed.

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