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I've seen strength fostered before my eyes
As the heart of a weakling
Teetering on the point of demise
Kept going despite the pain derived
I've seen beauty blossom before my eyes
When the bland one
That seldom lifted their disguise
Let the mask somewhat rise
To give the very greatest smile
I've seen courage manifest before my eyes
When the coward reached
For what it thought it'd never find
I've seen capability shine with these very eyes
When the incapable one did the impossible that night
I've heard the atonal
Deliver the most beautiful melody
I've seen one who was all these things
Become more in front of me
Witnessing this
Was the greatest gift
I could ever receive
So I could learn from it
To become
Strong when I need
To become beautiful inside
And be pleased
To become
Courageous to lead
To become capable
And great indeed
To become musical
And more like the one
That inspires my heart's song
It sings to the one that showed me these things
A serenade to remind them
How great they are indeed
And to thank them
For showing me all these things

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