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"Oh by Venus' light and Venus' name
Grant me beauty, so I shan't be plain"

As if beholding Venus herself
You've gained the grace of a goddess
That which rivals any elf
Go forth Khbul
A new face
A beauty that'll garner any mate
Be the you
That you could never be

"Oh angel of Venus
What is your due?
For this glorious gift
How shall I pay you?"

Take your finest papyrus
And inscribe in blood your name
And bury it at any crossroads
That is the price of cheating your pain

"My name in blood?
Is that okay for you?"

A simple price yes
But significant nonetheless
Tis my memoire
To know whose life I've changed
And whose pride I've saved
As your gratitude is enough for me

Till your ten years is up Sweetie

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