Karma's Mom Must be a Canine

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Sweet sweat
From fresh regrets
Is this the price that I beget?
Is this my due?
Is this what I've accrued?!
What did I do?
How can I make it up for you?
Tantalizing ends
Sugar-coated beginnings
That confection is shilling
Selling lies of a grand prize
While you bide your time
To bring newfound tortures to my eyes
What did I do?
I'd say I'll make it to for you
But I don't even know if I could
It's hard to even trudge on
When every path is juxtaposed
With all manner of foes
You swindler
You damn dirty swindler!
You were never fair
You professed blindness
Unbiased judgement
Yet the good always seem to get knocked down
Maybe great dates are just planned for a ways away
And I'm stuck to deal with all the shit of yesteryears till some unknown day?
Guess that's what I'll believe
To motivate myself to keep fighting
Even against a plethora of foes
To keep swimming
Even if despair and hate
Threatens to drown me everyday
And to trudge on
Knowing I can unlace my boots
Once the pressures' gone
I'll believe in that...

That it will get better one day.

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