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Charlie's POV:

When I arrive at the house I see lots of cars parked around it. I hear music from inside and see lots of people running around and dancing. I sigh as I take up my phone to text Harvey that I'm here. The clock is 3:17 am. God, he's going to pay for this.

Outside, hurry.

Send. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Everybody seems to be drunk and I really hate being around drunk people. It's bad enough that I have to deal with Harvey.

Some seconds later I get a text back from him saying: 'Just one problem...' Is he bloody serious?! I drag my hand through my messy hair as I start typing back. 'What?!' While I wait for an answer I see a few people running up to my car.

Oh, man. Hopefully they will just run past and leave me alone. I quickly lock all the doors, I'm really in the mood for this. One of the girls reach my car and drag her hand against the car windows as she running past laughing.

My phone buzz and Harvey texts me back: 'You know the guy I was talking about, he won't stop throwing up. I don't think you want him in your car right now...' Harvey! I type in his number and call him instead. I have a feeling this will be a very long text conversation otherwise.

"Hi..." I hear Harvey answer worried. He probably thinks that I'm really mad at him and in that case he's right. I'm slightly pissed off.

"Hi!" I reply really annoyed. "Where are you?"

"Inside, I told you we-" He starts, but I interrupt him.

"No, I know. But where in the house are you?" I ask as I unlock the car door and open it.

"Upstairs, in the bathroom. First door to the left." Harvey says a bit confused. "Why?"

"I'm coming in." I answer and hang up the call. I get out of the car and I'm really meticolous with locking it properly. Then I make my way to the house and past the front door. I feel eyes staring at me as I walk through the hallway.

I try to just ignore it and continue up the stairs. First door to the left. I have to push me forward, 'cause there are way too many people in my way. Then I get up on the second floor and look to the left. I knock on the first door and just hope that they will open quickly.

I voices and then footsteps on the other side of the door. After some seconds the door open a bit and I see Harvey's familiar face. He looks pretty ashamed if you ask me, and he should be. He could at least had think again before taking a kid that isn't allowed to drink alcohol to a party with young adults.

"Thank god, it's just you." Harvey say relieved and open the door wider to let me in. Without saying anything I walk into the room and he quickly locks the door behind me. I see a boy with blonde hair sitting on the floor leaning over the toilet.

The whole room stinks vomit and I have to put my hand over my nose to not throw up myself. First I look at the poor boy and then I turn around to Harvey.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I whisper/scream so the other boy hopefully wouldn't hear. I stare into Harvey's eyes searching for an explaination.

"I... I don't know." He sighs and looks down at his feet. I don't really know what to do.

"Does his parents know where he is?" I ask Harvey. In some way I feel like it's my responsible to get Leondre home safe, even though I have nothing to do with it. I should let that be Harvey's problem, but I'm not sure if I should trust him in this situation.

"No..." He mumbles still looking down at the floor. I can barely hear what he's saying.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I say irritated. God, I sound like a mum. Well, someone have to act adult and in this case it apparently has to be me. Harvey looks up at me and I see guilt in his eyes.

"No." He replies again, sadly this time. I sigh and run my hand through my hair again. I always do that when I'm upset or nervous.

"This is incredible." I sigh and turn around to the boy. "What did you expect me to drive him?"

Harvey gets quiet and I turn back to him. He just looks at me and I know exactly what he means.

"Are you serious, man?!" I almost yell, not caring about Leondre hearing us anymore.

"I thought he maybe could sleep at yours and... Oh, man, what have I done?" Harvey sighs and hid his face in his hands.

"Yeah, I still wonder the same thing." I respond upset.

"I just thought we could have some fun... He said he wanted to do something crazy and I thought; why not taking him to a party? I didn't think so much about the consequences. He told me that he wanted to do something to upset his parents..." Harvey explains while sinking down on the floor leaning against the wall. He looks up at me again like he's asking for forgiveness.

"And you listened to him?! Instead of stopping him and maybe sort things out with hi parents you take him to a party that's arranged by one of the town's most illegal teenager?! Does that sounds like a good plan to you?!" I shout angrily. It really doesn't matter if Leondre hears us or not because he will forget it to tomorrow anyway.

"I didn't think about that then!" Harvey says sounding helpless.

"Well, the fun thing, Harvey, is that you never do! You never think about anything! And that's the problem! Do you know how many times you've called me this week begging me to pick you up?! Five, Harvey! Five!" I yell at him. I'm really pissed off now.

I should just walk out of the door and drive home and sleep. I shouldn't be involved and get the blame for something I didn't do. I don't want to be responible for this. I don't want to try to explain what happened for this guy's parents. All I want right now is to sleep.

But I'm already involved. I can't just leave both of them now. Especially not Leondre. I turn around to him again. He needs me. And that's why I'm gonna try to sort this out. But not for Harvey, I'll do it for Leondre. Because he's still a kid, he doesn't know what he's doing.

I was just like him a few years ago. I wanted to know how it felt to get drunk and just party all night. I didn't care about much and I always wanted to make my parents worried. But if I could go back in time and change all the things I did, I would definintely do that. That's why I'm gonna stop him from being as stupid as I was. 'Cause he's going to regret it.

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