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Leondre's POV:

I wake up feeling like I have to scream, but I stop myself. I scratch my eyes and open them in fear. Where am I? I seriously don't recognize anything. I dreamed a really creepy nightmare and now I'm in some stranger's house.
I sit up slowly and look around in the room. It looks like it's some teenagers bedroom. I jump high when I realize there's a guy lying next to me.

I don't remember anything from yesterday. Oh my god, what have I done?!
I realize that I'm still dressed, so hopefully I haven't done something I'll regret. The boy is lying with his back against me, so I can't see his face.

I lay down again, trying not to shake in fear. Okay, what should Joey have done? He has told me so many times what I should do in this situations, but I never listened, because I really hoped that would never happen me.

He was like:
'Leondre, sometime you will maybe wake up in a stranger's house next to a girl, not knowing why you are there. Then you know that she probably got you drunk or drugged you.'

Then I didn't listen more, because he doesn't know that I'm gay so that will probably never happen. In fact no one knows that I'm gay, but I'm fine with it. It's just really annoying when people think that you're straight without asking you and then try to match you up with a girl.

That's the reason why I am even more afraid, because there's not a girl lying beside me, it's definitely a guy.
I try to take deep breaths and think out something to do. Should I just wait for him to wake up? But what if he's like a criminal or something? Ahh, Leondre, what have you got yourself into?!

I try to remember anything from last night, but it's all gone. I just lay there for a while, hoping that he won't wake up.
Then I actually remember something. I remember a guy. My crush. Oh my god! Charlie. I remember some small things from last night actually. But all I remember is that he carried me into a house...

Is that where I am? His house?
But then I get confused again. Charlie is definitely not the guy I'm lying next to and he doesn't have a brother...

After a while of thinking I decide to get out of bed and see if I can get out of here. Or if I can find Charlie.

I slowly pull off the blanket and carefully get out of the bed. I seriously don't want to wake the guy up, then I have a feeling that I will be dead...

I sneak out of the room and make sure that I still got my phone in my pocket. I come out to a small corridor and it's really dark. First I can't see anything at all, but then I can distinguish a few doors.
I walk forward and then see a stair. Since all the doors are closed and seems to lead to bedrooms and I don't want to wake anyone up, I walk down the stairs instead.
I see a white front door in front of me. I walk into a pretty big room and realize it's the kitchen. Then I find a small bathroom and a hall next to the front door.

I walk through a few more rooms and then end up in the living room. I stop walking and realize that I have no idea what I am doing. Okay, I need a plan. Maybe I should just sneak out? Yeah, probably.
But then I hear quiet snores. At first I get really scared and think that someone is going to wake up and notice me, but then I decide to go and see where the snores comes from. It may be a risk and I'm not sure it's worth it. But I'm a stupid little kid, so yeah.

I see a couch in the middle of the living room and the closer I walk to it, the louder the snores get. What if there isn't a human, just some recorded noises to trick me so they can kidnap me or something? Okay, I've watched too many horror movies.

I sneak up to the couch and carefully look over the back of it. I see a person lying there under a blanket. It's dark so I can't see who it is, but after a while when my eyes have got used to the light, I recognize the face. Oh my god, I was right. It's Charlie. Aww, he looks really cute when he's sleeping.

Suddenly all the fear goes away and I keep listen to the cute little snores. But then I decide to wake him up and ask him why the hell I'm here. Okay, maybe not with those words...

I walk around the couch and start to carefully whisper his name, hoping he wakes up easily.
"Charlie...? Are you awake?"
That's such a stupid question, I don't know why people keep saying it.
"Charlie?" I ask and slowly try to shake him awake.

After like a minute he finally rolls over to me and opens his eyes. I feel a smile spread on my lips when I see his face clearer.
Now I just hope that he won't be mad at me for waking him up so early. It's still dark outside and I seriously don't know what the time is.
I take a deep breath and start talking to him.

Charlie's POV:

I wake up by something shaking me slowly and say my name at the same time, but I don't want to open my eyes. I want to continue to sleep, I'm still too tired. Oh god, why can't people just let me sleep? I just hope the person will realize that I won't wake up and then give up. But I was wrong.

"Charlie...?" I hear a familiar voice say. Okay, now I want to open my eyes. Am I dreaming?
I slowly open my eyes, like seriously, in slow-motion. I groan and roll over to face the person who is standing next to the couch.
I look up and see that I was right; Leondre.

"What's the clock..?" I groan yawning. I reach for my phone, but then I feel someone handing it to me instead. "Thanks."
I take it and unlock it; 6:56, great.

Then I turn my attention back to Leondre again when I realize he's just standing there awkwardly.
"What do you want?" I ask trying to sound nice, but that's pretty hard when someone wake you up like 7 o'clock in the morning.
"Uhm... I just woke up and I don't remember everything from yesterday or why I am here..." He replies slowly and I hear the fear in his voice. Aww. Cutie. My anger disappear when I hear his beautiful voice, I just can't be mad at him.

And I can't just fall asleep again. I see on his face that he's pretty scared, which I understand.
I just hope I can help him.

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