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Charlie's POV:
We pull up on the driveway to a white house that I don't recognize. Joey turns his head to look at me.
"What did Leo send to you?" He asks. I quickly pull up the phone from my pocket and show him the texts. He reads them and then look up at me again. "That's Tilly's number..."
He can't even finish the sentence before he jump out of the car and sort of run up to the front door. He must've get that it's serious.

I quickly follow him and I reach him just the second he opens the door. We walk into the house and I close the door behind me. Joey walks around in the house, like he's searching for something, or someone. Then he waves at me to follow him upstairs.

And just as we reach the top of the stairs I hear sobs. Joey seems to hear them too, 'cause he rushes the last steps up to the second floor. It's dark and I can't see much so Joey turns on the lights. A long corridor appears in front of me and now I see where the sobs come from.
In the corridor opposite a door, a girl sits leaned against the wall. I guess that must be Tilly, Leondre's little sister.

Joey rushes up to her and sits down beside her.
"What's the matter?" He asks stressed out and really worried while pulling her into a hug. I stand a few meters away from them since I don't want to interrupt.

"Leo- m-mum, s-she..." The girl tries to say, but the stuttering takes over and her voice drowns in the sobs. Joey looks confused at her, like he really wants to understand, but he can't. Then she just points at the door in front of her.

I turn around and look at it. The lights are turned on in the room on the other side of the door. Joey slowly stands up, leaving Tilly alone at the floor and then walks over to the door. He quickly opens it and what we both see gets me really freaking shocked.
I see two persons, Leondre and a woman who seems to be his mum. Leo has a lot of blood in his face and his white, long-sleeved shirt has a big red stain on one of the arms.

I gasp and both of them seem to hear it. That's when Joey realizes that he has to do something. He walks into the room, angrily and push away Leo's mum from Leo. Leo's crying and really hurt. I don't know if I dare to go into the room yet.<

Why haven't Leondre told me about this? Okay, we were together for 24 hours, but still. His mum is freaking abusing him.
Before Joey can stop his mum, she hits Leo once again and he loses his balance and falls to the ground. Okay, that's enough! I run into the room and Joey grabs the woman's arms, making her unable to hit someone again.

I almost throw myself on the floor next to Leondre. He seems to fight to stay awake and his eyelids seem to feel really heavy. I lift him up in my lap, I don't care if there's people watching, I need him to be okay. I wrap my arms around his body and he cries into my chest, just like the first night we met.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. I promise, I'm here now. I won't let anything happen to you." I say hoping it will comfort him. I rock him back and forth and his sobs get quieter after a while.
"I'm sorry, Charlie." Leondre answers sobbing. Suddenly I hear an unfamiliar voice behind me, which causes me to turn around.

"So you are the well-known Charlie." The woman says irritated and gives me a death look. "I swear I will freaking kill you, you fucking-"
Joey immediately places his hand over her mouth so she can't finish the sentence.

I stand up and then lift Leondre up. I carry him out of the room and down the stairs. I open the front door and we go outside. Then I sit down on the ground, leaning against the house wall.

"What do you mean that you're sorry?" I ask after a while of just sitting there in silence.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. For being a pain in the ass. For sleeping in your bed. For causing trouble... You don't have to pretend to love me anymore..." Leondre says and I pull away from the hug.

I look confused at him. What does he mean? I look from eye to eye. He wipes some tears away and then look down at his hands. He seems like he's too ashamed to look me in the eyes, so there's only one thing to do.
I remove one of my arms from his body and move my hand up to his chin. I place to fingers on it and pull it upwards. Now he has to look me in the eyes. And I look into his.

"What makes you think that?" I ask slowly with tears in my eyes. Leondre stares into my blue eyes.

"I can't be with you anymore..." He starts and pulls away my fingers from his chin so he can look away. Okay, now I'm getting worried. What have I done?

"W-what? W-why?" I ask carefully, trying to hold back the tears. Leondre pulls away my arms and stands up, starting to walk away from me.

"It's wrong to be gay, Charlie." He says and I quickly stand up too.

"What? Since when do you think that...?" I reply not wanting to hear anything more. I just want to dig a deep fucking hole and lie there for the rest of my life. Then I realize it. "Did you mother tell you that?"
Leondre immediately turns around and looks at me. I really don't want to break up with him. I need someone by my side, someone that isn't just a one time thing.

"Charlie, it's time to move on and realize that we can't be together." He says with some tears running down my cheeks. I know he doesn't want this, I don't want this.

"But, Leo, please-" I beg, but he won't listen.

"No, just..." He doesn't finish the sentence. He just walks into the house again, leaving me alone in the cold, dark night.

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