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Charlie's POV:

I decide to stay and help Leondre. I walk up to him and sit down beside him starting stroking his back. The smell of vomit hits me and I have to take a deep breath to get rid of the feeling of throwing up. I turn my head back to Harvey who is standing up.

"Go and see if you can find a bucket or something." I say and he nods. He walks over to the door and then looks at me again.

"Lock after me, I'm gonna knock three times when I'm back." Harvey replies and I stand up. He opens the door and walks out. I quickly close it behind him and lock it. Then I walk up to the blonde haired boy again.

I see that he's trying to hold away his hair while throwing up. So I pull out the string from my green hoodie and gather up all his hair in my hands. Then I tie the string around his hair so it stays in a really short ponytail. I sink down on the floor beside him and think about what to do.

"Hi." I say, trying to get contact with him. "My name's Charlie. I'm gonna help you out of here."

The boy looks up me with his brown puppy eyes. I see the tears in them as he tries to smile slightly.

"I know who you are." He answers and I see a tear running down his face. I start stroking his back again and smile back.

"Hey, don't cry." I reply looking into his eyes. "It will be okay."

Leondre doesn't throw up for a while so I take some toilet paper and wipe away the vomit around his mouth. I flush the toilet and wash my hands. I see more tears rolling down the boy's cheeks so I sit down again leaning against the wall.

I hold my hand to him and he takes it so I pull him away from the toilet and closer to me. He lean his head against my chest and I can hear some sniffing. I place my chin upon his head and pull him into a hug. I start rocking him back and forth, trying to comfort him.

He actually looks pretty cute and I can't help but feel my heart beat a bit faster when I hold him close. Harvey has been gone for a while now. I hope he's okay. After a while I hear louder sobs and feel how my hoodie slowly turns wet.

I look down at Leondre's face. He has his eyes closed and I see how he tries to stop crying. Aww.

"Hey, look at me." I say comforting taking away my chin from his head. Instead I lean down so we can make eye contact. He slowly looks up at me blinking away the tears. "It's okay to cry."

It doesn't help very much so I decide to try and talk to him aboout what happened. It feels like I'm the only adult here of the three of us.

"Why did you do that?" I ask slowly, but before I can even finish my sentence, I hear the familiar sound. Before I can react I see how my green hoodie turns yellow and the smell is there again. Shit. He threw up on me.

I don't really care about my hoodie, but I quickly lifts him over so he sits in front of the toilet again. I make sure that he's alright after the sudden move and then we just have to wait for Harvey to come back before we can get out of here.


Suddenly I hear three knocks on the door and just hope it's Harvey. I make sure that Leondre can take care of himself for some seconds and then stand up. I walk over to the door and slowly unlock it and open it.

I see the familiar light brown haired boy in front of me. I open the door more and let him in.

"Where have you been?" I ask and take the blue plastic bucket out of his hand.

"It took a while to search through almost every room with so many people. And ugh, I saw things that I wish that I would never have seen." Harvey answers and he looks like he's scarred for life.

"What?" I say confused and look at him. What does he mean?
"Well, let's say that there's lots of bedrooms in this house... Bedroom and drunk people doesn't match really well if you ask me..." He replies shaking his head. I giggle for once. I know exactly what he means and I agree. It isn't the bbest match.

We turn our attention back to Leondre who is still throwing up on the floor.
"How is he?" Harvey asks carefully walking up to him.

"Well... He could have been better." I answer stroking the Leondre's hair.
"I see that you feel a bit sick as well." Harvey grins and points at the big vomit stain on my hoodie.

"Very funny." I reply and make a funny face. I have almost forget that it's in the middle of the night and I should be sleeping in my warm bed right now. I get so caught up in taking care of Leondre that I don't care about anything else. It's something about this boy that makes me so attached to him...

When he's taking another break from throwing up I hand the bucket to him.
"We gonna get you outta here, so if you need to throw up, use this." I explain with a smile. He smiles back slightly and I help him to stand up.

It doesn't go so well though and he falls to the ground. But before he reaches the floor I catch him. Shit, I didn't think about that before. He apparently can't walk because of the alcohol. I mentally slap myself hard in the face.

Well, I guess we just have to try harder. 'Cause I won't leave him and I definitely won't stay here until tomorrow.

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