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Leondre's POV:
'"Charlie, please don't!" I scream as I run up to the bridge. The tears are pouring out of my eyes and I can't stop them from falling. "Please, step away from there!"
"Leo, this is the only way..." Charlie starts slowly. I can see on his face that he's scared, terrified.
"No, Charlie. I promise, there are other ways. I'm gonna help you, please just don't do it." I say as I get closer to him.
"Stay away." He says shortly. "Please just let me do this. If you love me, stay away!"

I can see tears in his eyes. He doesn't want to do this, I know that. He doesn't deserve this.

"Please, Charlie. I need you, I can't live without you. I don't know what I should've done without you. I just can't breathe without having you close. I can't eat or drink. I don't wanna live in a world without you. So I'm begging you, please don't jump." I say calmly while tears stream down my face. Charlie is crying his eyes out too, but he won't step away from the railing.

I try to blink away my tears and just when I do, I can see a figure jump down from the bridge in front of me. I quickly open my eyes and see that Charlie is gone. He's gone forever.'

I wake up with a jolt. I'm sweating and got tears in my eyes. I can't do anything else than scream, so that's what I do. A heartbreaking freaking scream. I see a figure beside me sit up and my eyes slowly gets used to the darkness. I'm starting to recognize the room and then the door opens and someone rushes in.

The lights get turned on and I see a panicking Joey in front of me. Tilly is sitting up beside me in the bed. We're in Joey's apartment since he offered us to live here. Me and my sister share the kingsize bed and Joey sleeps on the couch.

"What happened?" He asks worried running up to us.

"I woke because of Leo screaming" Tilly answers still really shocked and scared.

I want to talk to them. But I can't. the words are stuck in my throat.

"Leo? Are you okay?" Joey asks and sits down beside me. I shake my head and the tears come flooding down my cheeks. 'It was just a dream, Leondre, calm down' I think to myself. But I can't calm down.
Joey pulls me into a tight hug and tries to comfort me. I hug him back. I never want to pull away, I need someone here. Now.

Tilly hugs me too, so the three of us just sit there in a group hug for some minutes and then I pull away and try to dry my tears.

"I need to see him." I say. Joey looks at me a bit confused, but mostly worried.

"Who?" He asks.

"Charlie. I need to see him now." I reply crying.

"But it's in the middle of the night, Leo. He's asleep. Everyone's asleep, you should be too." Joey explains, wiping away my tears.

"But I need to see him now." I say which causes me to cry even more.

"Are you sure it can't wait until tomorrow? You're probably just tired and need to sleep." He asks with his comforting voice.
"I need to see him now." I say and pull off my blanket. I start to get dressed and Joey has no other choice then to do the same.

Charlie's POV:
'Knock knock'
Can people stop freaking waking me in the middle of the night by knocking?! I'm so sick of that.
'Knock knock'
And I'm too laze to answer the door.
'Knock knock'
Oh god.
"Is it that hard to open the goddamn door?!" Harvey says irritated as he climbs over me and out of the bed.

Of course he has to turn on the light before he walks out of the room and down the stairs to answer the door. My eyelids are too heavy and I'm too tired to keep them open so I let them cover my eyes. And then I fall asleep again.


I feel a cold hand on my cheek.
"Harvey, just turn off the freaking light." I mumble.

I get really shocked. That wasn't Harvey's voice. But before I can open my eyes, the person turn off the light and then climb over me and into the bed. I want to know who the hell is lying in my bed beside me, 'cause I mean, it would be nice to know who you're sleeping with (not literally). I recognize the voice, but I'm too tired to think.

So after a while I just give up and fall asleep. And if I wake up beside a killer tomorrow, then who cares? Let him kill me. (deep thoughts.)

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