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Charlie's POV:

Some days past. I can't stop thinking about him. It's impossible. I can't get him our of my head.
I have gone back to being that lazy computer gamer that I was during that whole month. I think I'm starting to get depressed too. But it doesn't matter, I have nothing to be happy over anyway.

I hear a knock at my bedroom door and without turning my head, I tiredly say "Come in."
The door opens behind me and then closes again.

"You haven't been outside the house in days." I hear a familiar voice say. Harvey.

"Does it matter anyway?" I ask non-caring.

"Charlie, you have a whole life waiting for you just outside the door. You can't waste it on playing..." Harvey pauses and looks at my screen. "...GTA 5."

"I can and I will." I reply.

"Oh, come on Charlie. I'll do anything to get you out of this room." Harvey says begging. I don't look at him, I just continue to play my computer games.
"No one can get what I want." I answer shortly.

"Yes, I can. I will travel the world to get anything you want if you promise to get out from the house."

I please the game and turn around to him. He lies in my bed with his head, where you are supposed to have your feet, resting on his elbows with his head resting on his hands. He gets slightly shocked when he sees my red and puffy eyes. The room is really dark, but he sees it anyway.

I look at him as I repeat the sentence.
"No one can get what I want."
That's when he realizes it. I turn back around to my computer and try not to think the thoughts that spins around in my head.
"Is it over...? Between you... and-" Harvey asks slowly, but I stop him. I don't wanna hear his name. That will only wake up memories and thoughts that I don't want to think of. I don't think at him at all, but as I said before; it's impossible.

"Yes." I interrupt shortly. Harvey falls silent and it takes a while before he knows what to say.
"I'm sorry." Is all that comes out of his mouth.
"Don't be." I reply.

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