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Charlie's POV:

Me, Leondre and Harvey are sitting on the couch and the clock is soon 9 am. Mum and Brooke should wake up soon. I grab my phone and scroll through Instagram like usual. Suddenly my phone buzz and I get a text from Harvey. He always sends texts to me when we're hanging out with people and he wants to tell me something that he doesn't want to say out loud.

I open it and read.
He's hot.
I smile and look up at him. I give him an mysteriously look while lifting my eyebrows, he just grins back. I get that it's a joke. Then I look over to Leondre. He really is hot. I smile even more, he looks down at his phone and doesn't notice that I'm practically staring at him.

He looks so cute with his long blonde hair hanging down over his face. He's nervously dragging in his lips with his finger, is something wrong?
I look down at my phone again and text Harvey back.
I know.

Leondre keep dragging nervously in his lip, is he okay? I think I can see that his eyes is tearing up. I decide to ask him.
"Are you okay?" I ask slowly and look at him. He looks up confused at me like he doesn't know if I'm talking to him or Harvey. But when our eyes meet he understands that the question was for him.

"Yeah." He answers shortly and I can see how he tries to fake a smile, but I can see right through it. Leondre looks down at his phone again, I can't see what he's doing on it though.

Harvey looks at me confused. I give him a look showing that I'm worried. I get a feeling that Leondre maybe would tell me if Harvey wasn't there, so I decide to use the Harvey tactics. I look down at my phone and text him.

C: Are you sure?
It doesn't take many seconds before I get a text back.

L: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

C: Because you look nervous.

L: What?

C: You keep dragging your underlip.

Leondre looks up at me and I look up at him. He looks confused at me and I point at his finger since he's still doing it. He looks down and realize what he's doing. He immediately stops and looks back down at his phone.

I realize he's texting someone, who is not me.

L: I'm fine.

C: Then who are you texting?

L: Do you have to know everything?

C: No... I just want to make sure that you're okay... You seem upset about something.

L: Well... It's my brother...

C: Something I can help with?

"Maybe." Leondre answers out loud. Harvey looks up at us both confused, but then gets busy with his phone again. I stand up and walk over to sit next to Leondre on the couch. He shows me his phone. The person he's texting is called Joey.

Wait a moment. Is Joey Devries Leondre's big brother? Oh, of course he is! How can't I have notice that before?
I remember when Joey went to the same school as me when we were younger. He was always so nice to me.

I scroll through the texts. At first Joey had sent like 30 messages wondering where Leondre was. When I check the time I realize that it was at the party. It's a lot of texts, this is going to take a while.

Leondre's POV:

I take up my phone where I sit next to Harvey and Charlie on the couch. They're looking at their phones too, so I have nothing else to do. I unlock my phone and the texts just flow in. I have to turn off the sound, otherwise my phone would never stop sounding.

After like three minutes I've got all the texts. They're all from Joey. I'm not sure if I should open them... I want to make my family worried for me so that they maybe will care more about me in the future, but Joey hasn't done anything wrong. So I decide to open the texts.

Hey, how are you?

Heard you had a fight with mum and dad, are you okay?

Ey, where did you go?


Please just read the texts so I know that you're okay.

Matilda is worried sick for you, so am I!

So mum and dad aren't?

Please come home.

Little bro, just let me know you're okay.

Call me, you can talk to me.

Hope you're safe.

Don't do anything stupid, I'm begging you.

Leondre, I'm gonna call the cops soon.

Have you been kidnapped or anything?

Leo! Please come home now! This isn't funny anymore!

I know that mum and dad said really stupid things and I hate them for that, but you can at least answer me, I won't tell them anything.

Okay, that's it. I'm calling the cops.

And that wasn't even everything...
I decide to text him back, I wish that I could have done it yesterday, but I was drunk. Maybe it was good that I didn't do it though, I could have wrote anything.

L: Hey, sorry I didn't answer, but I'm okay.

I lock my phone and look up at Charlie. He has his arms wrapped around his legs while scrolling through something on his phone. He looks so perfect and mysterious with his fringe covering his eyes. I can see that he's really concentrated on what he's doing.

Suddenly the screen of my phone gets lit up and I look down at it. It's a new message from Joey. I immediately unlock my phone and open it.
J: Where are you?! The cops are looking for you!

L: I'm at a friend's house, did you call the cops?!

J: Of course I did! You were missing! Who's?

L: A guy called Charlie, you probably don't know him.

J: Charlie Lenehan?

L: Yeah, why? Do you know him?

J: Yeah, we went to the same school. Okay, wait there, I'm coming to pick you up before the cops do.

L: But I don't want to go home.

J: I understand that Leo, but you have to.

L: No, you don't understand.

J: Just stop, Leo. It's gonna be okay.

L: No, it's not and you know that! Don't come and pick me up!

I don't answer any of the following texts. Shit, why did I tell him where I am? Stupid Leo.

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