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Leondre's POV:
Me and Charlie walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where Karen and Brooke are sitting. I slowly sit down next to Charlie and Karen looks up at us.
"What took you so long?" She asks.
"We watched a reaaaaally exciting movie." Charlie answers while starting to fill up my plate with some food.
"Okay..." Karen replies like she doesn't believe us. Something about that makes me love his mum. I mean, she acts like a teenager sometimes. Like when she always tease Charlie about random stuff.

"What? You don't believe us?" Charlie chuckles and looks up at her.
"I'm just saying that you should use protection." She says spontaneously.
"Well, you've already told me that like 500 times!" He sighs.
"But I didn't find any last time I checked in your wardrobe." Karen replies.

Charlie facepalms himself and then hide his face in his hands. He looks really embarrassed and I start to laugh.

"Protection for what?" Brooke asks suddenly and we all look at her.
"When two people love each other, honey, they-" Karen starts and I can't help but burst out in laugh. But she can't finish because she gets cut off by Brooke.

"Do I wanna hear this?" She asks.
"No, you don't." Charlie answers and looks at me while rolling his eyes.


After a while I can feel a warm hand on my thigh. I don't have to look up to know it's Charlie, I just smile slightly for myself. He starts moving around his hand on my leg so I start eating faster, because I don't want anything awkward to happen.

When I'm done I quickly stand up, maybe a bit too fast. But Charlie was still moving around his hand on my leg and I can tell that he was really close to my private regions.
Brooke and Karen, mostly Karen, looks up weirdly or confused at me, I can't really tell.

"Thanks for the food, it was really delicious!" I say, trying to smile without looking really embarrassed.
"Aw, you're welcome honey. Glad you liked it." She smiles back. Now Charlie stands up too.
"Thanks mum." He says while walking over to the dishwasher.
"Charlie, it's your turn to clean the table." Karen replies.

"But mum-" Charlie complains, but gets interrupted.
"No buts. It won't take long time." She answers and I can't help but grin while placing my plate in the dishwasher. I know that he doesn't want to clean the table, because he wants to do something else. And I know what he wants. I can see it on his face.

"I can help." I say.
"No, it's okay. I'll take it." Charlie answers and smiles at me.
"Okay." I answer and smile back.

I walk out of the kitchen and can't help but feel a bit nervous when I'm walking up the stairs. I mean, I saw the lust in his eyes. He really seems to wanna do... it. But do I? I have never thought about that...
I walk into Charlie's room and sit down on the bed. I take up my phone as I'm waiting for him. About 5 minutes later he walks into the room and closes the door behind himself.
"How are you?" He asks slowly and looks down at me.

I look up from my phone, I must see quite sad and lonely.
"I'm fine." I smile and put away my phone.

"Are you sure?" He asks and walks up to me.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask back.
"You look so sad, like a lost puppy."

"Well, I can promise you that I'm fine..." I answer slowly.

"Look, if it is about what I think it's about, then we don't have to do it." Charlie smiles and I look up at him.
"How did you know?" I ask a bit confused.
"I know you." He says and sits down bedside me. He grabs my hand and looks me straight into my eyes. "I can tell when something's wrong."

I smile slightly and look down at our hands.
"Do you wanna continue to watch the movie instead?" Charlie asks, squeezing my hand.

"I don't know..." I answer slowly. I don't know what I want. What if I'm not ready...? What if this is just going to be embarrassing as hell?

But at the same time; I can't think of losing my virginity with anyone else than Charlie...

"Leo, forget about it now. Come on, we'll watch the movie." He says comforting and looks up at me. He's just about to say something more, but I cut him off before he can even start.

"No, we'll do it." I reply, looking up at him. He looks confused back at me.

"I can't think of losing my virginity with anyone else than you." I answer a bit too quickly, 'cause then I realize that I haven't told him that I'm a virgin... But he doesn't seem to react.

"Aww, that's sweet. But seriously, we don't have to do it if you don't want-" Charlie starts again, but this time I interrupted him by crashing my lips on his. We lie down on the bed in the sudden move and when we pull away he looks up at me.
"You talk too much." I grin before breaking the distance between our lips again.

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