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Leondre's POV:
I sit on my bed, listening to music. I'm just about to text Charlie when mum rushes into my room.
"Turn that music off now!" She shouts at me. Woah, calm down. I immediately pause the music and hope that I won't get beaten up again.

Then she walks up to me and rips the phone out of my hand. She looks at the screen and gets shocked immediately.
"Is Charlie your boyfriend...?" She asks quietly like she's about to cry.
I get almost as shocked as her which makes me unable to say anything.

Mum looks up at me and when she sees my face she understands.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US?! TO ME?!" She screams in my face with the tears in her eyes. Since when did she cry over me?
"Do w-what?" I ask nervously.
"YOU'RE GAY!" She shouts and literally throws my phone into the wall and the display goes into a millions of small pieces of glass, which of course land in my bed.

Just like my phone, I can literally feel how my heart breaks into a millions of pieces.

And with that she leaves the room by slamming the door.

Oh god. Why am I even alive? I mean, apparently everybody hates me. Maybe everything would be better if I just leave this world? Maybe that's what's suppose to happen? (Yes, I still believe in destiny.)

I decide that the knife is the best way to get away with this feeling for now. I walk over to my wardrobe, where I keep it, and take it out. It's full in dry blood, but I don't care. I just press the blade against my skin and let the blood pour out of my arm. It drops down at the floor, but I don't mind, no one else will either. 'Cause no one cares.

Charlie's POV:
After a few minutes I see a red car pull up on the our driveway. I guess it's Joey, so I walk over to it and jump in.

"Hi." He says and quickly pull out from the driveway again.
"Hey." I answer and then just focus on the road. I can't think about anything else. I just hope he's okay. He has to be okay. 'Cause I can't seriously live without him.

Leondre's POV:
I have just hid the knife and wiped away the blood from my arm and the floor when Tilly comes into the room. She walks up to me where I sit on the bed. Suddenly she sees my smashed phone beside me on the bed.
"What happened?" She asks slowly before she can say anything else.

"I was going to text Charlie and-" I start, but then I realize that she doesn't know that me and Charlie are in a relationship. She doesn't know that I'm gay. What if she will hate me just like my mum? I quickly think of how to explain without telling too much information. "Mum thrower my phone into the wall..."

Tilly looks up at me.
"I'm sorry, you can borrow mine if you want to." She says and holds out her phone. I smile and take it.

"Thank you." I answer and start writing a new text to Charlie. I will never forget his number. Suddenly both me and Tilly hear footsteps in the stairs further down in the corridor.

"Hurry!" She whispers and I quickly write some short texts.

Then I realize that Charlie won't recognize the number.

'It's me, Leondre, mum took my phone so I'm messaging you from my sister's.'
'Charlie, I really need your help!'

I write as the footsteps come closer and closer.

'Can you please call my brother and beg him to pick me up?'
'I'm begging you, I'll message you his number.'
'Don't send anything back to this number, then mum will notice and take Tilly's phone too.'

And with that, the door handle gets pressed down and I quickly hide the phone under the blanket.
Mum walks into the room with an angry look in her eyes.

"Tilly, didn't I tell you to stay in your room?" She asks irritated, like really irritated.

"Yea, I'm sorry, but-" Tilly starts, but gets interrupted as usual.

"Get into your room!" Mum yells. Oh, this isn't good. I know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna get beaten up, again.

Suddenly Tilly stands up, but she doesn't walk out of the room.
"That's enough! I'm tired of all your shouting! You're so freaking mean, I don't even wanna call you my mum! Leave Leondre alone!" She shouts. I look up surprised and worried at her. I'm really glad that she stands up for me, but I know where this is going to lead. Mum, or if I can even call her my mum, immediately walks up to Tilly and hits her in the face, before I can stop her. I see that anger and tears fill my sister's face and I can see how she slowly raises her hand. I quickly grab it and she looks down at me.

"Tilly, no, don't do it. It'll only get worse." I say slowly. She looks sadly at me and I let go of her hand. She walks past mum and out of the room, slamming the door.

I can feel mum's gaze burn on me. She grabs my arm and makes me look up at her, even though I don't want to.
"What the hell have you told her?! She was a nice girl that listened to her mother, except from you, you little freak!" She yells hitting me several times.

Mum pulls me up on my feet so that she can get more chances to hit me. Her fist punches my stomach and head. Her legs does the rest.

"You know that you're a freaking disease, right?" She asks. I nod slowly as I feel blood pouring out of several wounds; from my nose, my knee, my arm (but I think that's from the scars I made though) and the back of my head. What have I done to deserve this?

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