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Charlie's POV:
"Charlie! Wake up!"
I yawn as the voice comes closer to me.
"Charlie! I'm going to work now."
Can people stop waking me up? I just want to sleep. Sleep for the rest of my life.
Suddenly the lamp in my ceiling gets turned on and the whole room gets lit up. I have to place my hands over my eyes to not get dazzled by the light.

"Charlie!" I hear my mum yell at me and walks over to my window.
"No, please, mum-" I try, but she doesn't listen. She pulls away the curtains from my window and the sun shine into the room. Fuck my life.
"Get up! Now!" Mum says strict and walks up to my bed. She pulls off my blanket and throws it on the floor out in the hall outside my room. Ugh, this is the fifth time she tries to wake me up.

"Mum!" I whine.

"Get freaking out of bed! The clock is like 3 pm!" Mum says and with that she walks out of the room. "I'm going to work now, there's food in the fridge!"
I try to just fall asleep again, but it doesn't work. My blanket is outside my room, there's no curtains covering my window, the lamp in my ceiling is turned on and I can't stop thinking.

Wait, did my mum say that the clock was 3 pm? Have I slept half the day? Doesn't matter, I have nothing to do with my life anyway.

Suddenly I hear another knock on my bedroom door which already is wide open. I open my eyes and look up to see Harvey.

"Good morning, bro." He says.

"Good morning." I sigh. "Can you please go and get my-"
Harvey grabs my arm and drags me out of bed. I faceplant on the floor and my nose hurts.

"Was that necessary? I actually thought you would be nice today." I say.

"Your mum called me. She said you wouldn't leave your bed. Why?" He asks and I can hear some sort of worry in his voice.

"Because I don't wanna leave my bed." I sigh, trying to get up from the floor. It's freaking cold to lie on the floor when you've just woken up, just wearing your briefs.
"Why?" Harvey asks again, sitting in my computer chair.

"Say one good reason to why I should leave my bed." I say and roll over so that I'm lying on my back instead of stomach. I look up at him.

"To eat, drink, go to parties, make new friends, fall in love, move on, stop listening to depressing  songs, get a job. I can continue all day." Harvey says.

"Then do that outside my room while I'm trying to sleep again." I say and smile irritated as I walk out of the room to get my blanket.
Maybe that's good reasons for other people to leave their beds (if they have any), but not to me, not now. Nothing seems to be good right now. It all just seems to be a hell. A big fucking hell.

Harvey sighs.

"Okay, I give up. What do you want to do?" Harvey asks and looks at me when I get back into the room. I throw the blanket on my bed and look back at him.
"I don't know Harvey, I just... I just don't know." I answer sadly. I sit down on my bed and hide my face in hands. Here comes the tears.

Harvey stands up and sit down beside me. He starts stroking my back comfortingly and I rest my face against his shoulder.
"It will be okay." He whispers.

"No... It won't. It will never be okay, I will never be okay." I answer crying.

"Don't say that. I need you to be okay, 'cause I need you." Harvey replies.

"You have a lot of friends, you don't need me." I say.

"Without you I wouldn't have any friends, Charlie. And you know that."

He's right, but still. He would do absolutely fine without me.
"And without you I would be fucking depressed right now, which I maybe already am..." I say and Harvey chuckles.
"I love you, Charlie."
"I love you too, Harvey."

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