Chapter 2| (Not so much) Love at first sight

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1 week down, 3 to go. 

I sat in, what I know call Quill, mini van. I sat behind the driver's seat staring out the window, black nosie blocking beats on my head blocking out the whole world with my music. Currently Ghost Town by the queen himself Adam Lambert. Beside me sat one of my three. Step? Siblings. Ty was his name, just Ty, not Tyler. I don't like him, he's an ass. Behind us in the very back sat the other two along with the one's girlfriend. First is Kayla, Ty's twin, she's like Ty and is a total bitch. Then on the other side sat Jared, he's the only one who has been nice to me since I arrived at there house the beginning that last week. In the middle of them sat Megan, Jared's girlfriend, she's best friends with Kayla meaning she is also a bitch. 
Instead of my normal huge Harry Potter glasses in which I wear, I had on my small Harry Potter sunglasses. As we were in California to get on the Cruise then go to an Island somewhere in Hawaii. We had to fly all the damn way from Maine to California for a stupid vacation! First of all I am scared shitless of planes and two WHY!? 

The car pulled to a stop when I finally pulled my eyes away from the window only to look out the other one, and to spot the Disney Cruise. I hate ships, like really hate ships. What?! I've seen Titanic one to many times. I notice Ty getting out, so I also opened my door and climbed out. The sun was blinding and I knew for a damn fact I was gonna be red as all hell by the end of today. Jared throws his arm around my shoulders, I looked up at him and he smiles at me; I don't smile back. Jared grew up with his Dad, meaning he grew up Country. Ty and Kayla grew up with there mom, so they are not Country. Now Eleanor Rigby  by The Beatles was playing. Jared and I walked to the trunk where Dad was pulling out all our things. I had two bags, Kayla had 5........ yeah, 5. We start our walk to the ship, when suddenly my headphones are pulled from my ears to my neck. I turn quickly to see it was Quill. "Please Sam no headphones right now." She said way to sweetly for my liking, I rolled my eyes pausing my music and continued to follow everyone onto the ship. 

"Okay first things first we need to find them." Kayla spoke to Megan, I looked at them confused. Find who? I walked beside Jared, maybe he knows. "Who are they talking about? They need to find them?" Jared laughs, "The whole reason this is our vacation is because there favorite band is also going on this vacation." He replied with his thick Country accent. "What band?" I got excited for a second, maybe it's someone that I also like. "Forever In Your Mind." Kayla answered hearing our convo. I wanted to punch her in the face. Forever In Your Mind?! That's a fucking Disney group!!! Come on Kayla you are 16 years of age, I am 15 grow up! "Great." I rolled my eyes getting into the glass elevator along with everyone else, another thing I am scared off elevators. Lets see so far it's planes, ships, and elevators. As I am standing suddenly I jump when Kayla screams and runs to the front of the elevator. "Kayla what the hell!" Jared yells, as she pushes up against the glass. "What the hell?" I ask moving up next to her. "It's them." She says breathless I look down and see three boys entering through the lobby. I couldn't see much besides there hair. Carmel brown, dark brown, black with blonde. The one with black hair looks up at the elevators, making eye contact with ME. He waves, Kayla screams thinking it was to her. I wish it was. 

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