Chapter 5| I'm alone, but I ain't lonely

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It was late that night, I was laying awake on the couch, I couldn't sleep. When all the sudden my phone lit up in my converse beside the couch, I pulled it up and had a text from a random number. 

???-???-????: Hey It's Emery. You know, the person that almost killed you. 

Me: Yeah I remember, why are you texting me? I was extremely rude to you, that normally tells someone if another person likes them or not. 

Emery: Well you had a reason, I did almost kill you. 

Me: Tristan would have thanked you if you would have. 

Emery: Tristan?

Me: My best friend. 

Emery: Oh. 
Emery: So I never caught your name. 

Me: Well I didn't throw it.

Emery: Where's that from?

Me: A Musical, off Broadway. 

Emery: Which one?

Me: Heathers: The Musical

Emery: Aw yeah the one based off the 80s cult classic.

Me: Wow you know what Heathers is. 

Emery: So... What is your name. 

Me: Sam

Emery: Just Sam? 

Me: To you just Sam.

Emery: Come on FULL name. 

Me: No.

Emery: Why not? I'll tell you mine. 

Me: That's not fare because I could just look you up and get your middle name. You are a random stranger, for all I know you are Norman Bates in real life. 

Emery: #3 things. 
Emery: 1 Ow, 2 nice bates motel reference, 3 that's a good band. 

Me: 1 I am surprised a Disney boy like yourself watches Bates Motel and 2 what band?

Emery: In Real Life. 

Me: Ew Gross, I hate them. 

Emery: Okay okay, now full name. 

Me: Okay fine. Samantha Ren Bonnie Clarkson.

Emery: Any meaning to those names?

Me: Ugh you are Norman Bates.

Emery: And you're Mrs. Lovett, but I don't judge. 

Me: Damn you are on fire with those references. 

Emery: Why thank you now spill.

Me: Okay my older brother picked my first name, Ren comes from my parents favorite movie Footloose, and Bonnie is from Bonnie and Clyde. 

Emery: You have a brother?

Me: Yeah, his name is Clyde.

Emery: Oh god, then why aren't you named Bonnie?

Me: Because Clyde didn't want that and he really wanted me to be named after Samantha in 16 Candles. 

Emery: Oh yeah with Molly Ringwald

Me: Exact, although he calls me Bonnie. 

Emery: Can I call you Bonnie?

Me: No.

Emery: What about Ren?

Me: No.

Emery: Okay then Clarkson. 

Me: Sam. Just Sam. 

Emery: Samantha?


Emery: Okay... 20 Questions?

Me: Why Not.

Emery: Favorite Movie. 

Me: Most likely The Dead Poet Society.

Emery: Captain America: Winter's Solider.

Me: Favorite Superhero

Emery: Captain American

Me: Ew, Spider-Man, Quicksliver, and Ironman

Emery: Hey at least mine doesn't die

Me: Fuck you

Emery: Favorite line from your favorite song

Me: I'm alone, but I ain't lonely. Santa Fe from the original Newsies sung by Christian Bale

Emery: Jesus, let me guess you like Newsies on Broadway as well?

Me: Yep. Jeremy Jordan, Mike Faist, Corey Cott. I love them all. 

"god damn Sam go to bed." Kayla groaned from her bed, I guess my phone light woke her up or some shit. 

Me: I gotta go. Bye. 

Emery: Talk to you tomorrow?

Me: What ever Emery. 

Emery: Bye. 


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