Chapter 11| Boyfriend?

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It wasn't late per-say when the fireworks were done, but after the long day we just had most of us were beat. Having said that when we all got back to the hotel non of us went to bed. Ty, Megan, Jared, Quill, and Dad all sat down in the living room with bowls of pop corn and started to watch 21 jump street. Kayla went straight into the room and was out as soon as she hit the pillow. I decided to get a shower because after the teens club I was sweating much like the boys, leaving my phone on the dresser I went into the bathroom. 

I showered and then got out. Getting dressed in an over sized NYU sweatshirt (that's the college that Clyde goes to), black shorts and some fuzzy ass socks. After some what drying my hair I open the bathroom door and go back into the bedroom. I froze when I entered as what I saw was my worst nightmare. Kayla was awake and was reading something on my phone. "What the hell are you doing?" I gritted my teeth, no one fucking looks through my phone. "You're dating Emery?" She replied with anger back. "You should be in my phone!" I yell. "I'm not he's texting you now." She threw my phone to me, I barely caught it and read the messages on the lock screen. 

Emery: Thanks, today was great. 
Emery: Look Sam, I really like you. Like a lot. 
Emery: Are you ignoring me?
Emery: Come on please text me back. 
Emery: If your sleeping text me back in the morning, love you. 
Emery: Love you? Too soon?

"It's none of your business." I sip at her and storm into the living room where everyone else was sitting, but Kayla wasn't gonna let this go. "Yeah it is my business because you're dating him." I stop in my tracks as she says it in the living room, in front of everyone. "Dating who?" Jared quickly jumped up out of his seat. I couldn't see her but I could tell Kayla had a smirk on her face and was crossing her arms. "Sam what is Kayla talking about?" Dad asked slowly standing from the couch, I slowly turn to face him. "Emery, she's talking about Emery." "Okay, we'll talk about this." Quill started in, then I looked at Dad's face... He was looking at my hoodie. "Sam why are you wearing that?" I roll my eyes. "Because it's the college your son is currently at." I snapped back quickly. Dad looked to Quill with fear in his eyes. "Sweetie, Clyde is dead." "Fuck you!" Panic started to quickly take over my body. "Mom didn't tell you?" He asked completely shocked, I shake my head frantically tears starting to form. "He overdosed almost a year ago. How didn't you know?" "Mom told me he just needed time that's why he wasn't contacting me." "Sam-" He tried to hug me but he couldn't as I bolted out the door and started to run. 

I banged loudly on the door, no one answered, I banged louder. The door opened to reveal Ricky swiftly his face changed from a smile to worry when he saw I was crying. "Sam what's wrong?" He asked, worry did in fact fill his voice. Liam was most likely asleep as he didn't come out, I had no clue where Emery was. "Where's Emery?" I said through the tears. "Emery!" Ricky yelled pulling me into the hotel closing the door behind me. I clinged to the sweatshirt as I heard the bathroom door open and soon Emery appeared. He was wearing boxes, a white t shirt and his hair was wet, guessing he was right out of the shower. "Sam?" I ran straight into his arms which right away wrapped tightly around me. "Clyde died." I sobbed into his chest. "Shit." He mumbled under his breath. "He's been dead for a year and I didn't know." He pulled back looking at my face as I pressed my hand to my forehead, his face was full of confusion. "What do you mean?" "My overdosed of drugs and my mom lied to me telling me that he just needed space and he wasn't gonna talk to us for a while. I didn't even get to say goodbye." It took Emery hours, but he calmed me down.... not much but he tried his best. I decided to stay there for the night so we, being Ricky, Emery, and I all walked into the bedroom. Liam was already asleep so Ricky climbed into bed beside him and I got in bedside Emery, I was shaking as Emery held me. I slowly drifted off to sleep as Emery was softly singing Father Figure. 

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