Chapter 18| Compass

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1 more day, 1 more day until we dock, 1 more day I have to hope the ship goes down. I heard Quill and dad talking last night, "See Travis we should have finished her room before coming." "I thought we'd have more time.". I wish they would have more time just like they thought, maybe everything would be different. I wouldn't have broken up with Emery and mom would be alive, maybe she could have even met Emery. They're suppose to be performing today on the main deck again, I don't plan on living this hotel room. Hopefully I will drive myself mad in here. 
"Okay get dressed now." Jared stormed into the empty bedroom where I laid in my PJ's for what seemed like years. "Why?" "Just do it." Jared picked up clothes and threw them at me leaving the room. I don't question and get dressed in the clothes he threw, it was my jeans shorts and salmon shirt. He was surprised when I listened and got dressed, that's when he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the hotel room. I coughed because I wasn't use to the fresh air, especially the salty fresh air. "Jared where are you taking me?" I asked trying to pull my hand from his grip, but couldn't. He ignored me and continued pulling me. We were approaching the main deck and I could hear Emery singing there song Hurricane on the stage, why was Jared doing this to me. "Jared please stop!" He didn't listen but I could see the sorry painted on his face. He didn't stop at the back of the crowd, no he pushed forward to the front. At this point me moved me in front of him and locked his arms around me so I couldn't leave, what the fuck was he doing? They finished singing Hurricane, which I hate to admit is actually a really good song. "This next song we only just finished writing while on his vacation." Ricky spoke running his hands through his hair. "We couldn't find the right words for it, but a special person helped myself find these words." Emery stared into the deep depth of my soul while he spoke, this was all planned. 

I know that I never got to tell you
Everything that you deserve to hear
Trapped inside a picture frame
Am I just another name
Hanging onto you, do you hear?
Got a million miles worth of sorries
Never took the chance to say goodbye
Reaching out across the blue
To put myself right back to you
Stuck here drawing maps across the sky

Hold on
Hold on for dear life
One last time

Hit by the waves
Caught in a shipwreck
Oh, I'm breaking for you
I may be lost
But my heart's the compass
Oh, it points back to you
It points back to you

I never should have taken you for granted
But should've would've could've never helps
I miss you being next to me
A victim of reality
Knowing that you might have someone else
We were always thinking bout tomorrow
But now I'm feeling stuck in yesterday
The comfort that we left behind
Is something that we lost in time
And now I'm gonna find another way

To hold on
Hold on for dear life
One last try

Hit by the waves
Caught in a shipwreck
Oh, I'm breaking for you
I may be lost
But my heart's the compass
Oh, it points back to you

It points back to you 
It points back to you

I know that we tried
But somehow we fell from the sky
I just hope that time
Can breath our old wings back to life
Hit by the waves
Caught in a shipwreck
Oh, I'm breaking for you

Hit by the waves
Caught in a shipwreck
Oh, I'm breaking for you
I may be lost
But my heart's the compass
Oh, it points back to you

It points back to you 
It points back to you

Compass| Emery KellyWhere stories live. Discover now