Chapter 12| She's a goner too

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I wake up millions of times that night and every-time Emery is in the same place. He's laying half on top of me with one of his legs and one of his arms over me as well. 

I wake up

I wake up

I wake up

I wake up

This time Emery isn't in bed with me, Liam and Ricky were still asleep. I fall back asleep. 

I start wake up again when I hear breathing very close to me. I slowly open my eyes and am greeted with a pair of hazel eyes staring at me, Emery was back from who knows where. "Morning." I whisper, my voice not able to go much loudly as soon as I wake up. "Morning." He didn't have morning voice, so I am guessing he didn't fall back asleep. "Everyone was texting you, I told them you're okay." "Is that where you were, seeing them?" I question him not being here when I woke up. "No I was getting coffee for the 4 of us." He replies, I give a small smile. "Thanks Em, but I don't drink coffee." "Can I have it then?" He asked with a hopeful smile on his face. "Sure." I laugh at his reaction, he jumped up kissing me before exiting the room. I look over and see Ricky and Liam aren't in bed anymore, so I also get up. 

I find all of them in the living room eating breakfast, room service. "We didn't know what to get you." Ricky explained when there wasn't anything for me, I shrug sitting down next to Emery. "It's fine, I'm not hungry." We watch a little bit of the Golden Girls until I realized what I have to do. I have to call my mom. 
"We can leave if you want." Emery volunteers to go into the other room while I call her, I nod but then quickly grab his wrist. "Can you stay?" I ask, he nods and sits down next to me as Ricky and Liam leave the hotel room. I stare at the contact as my hand shakes. "You can do this." Emery states, I nod and press the contact. 

'Sweetie how are you!' 

Tears fill my eyes as she is so happy that I called, but I was about to crush her. 

"Clyde's dead?"


"Dad told me, how could you?" 

'Sam I can explain.'

"Please do, explain, explain why you hide my brothers dead from me!" 

'I knew you would take it hard, I would have told you.'

"Oh yeah when mom when!" 

'After I died.'

"Oh great so in 10 or so years! I would have most likely figured it out by then!"

'In months.'


'In months. That's why I sent you on the vacation with your father so you could know him before I go, before you have to go and live with him. Sam, I have cancer." 



"I gotta go." 

I hang up before she can say anything else. Emery has his arm around me watching my face for a reaction. "What?" He asks wondering what just happened. "She's a goner too, she has cancer." Emery had no words, one for what I said and two for how I said it. "I'm gonna have to move to Maine with my dad, I have to leave New York." 

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