Chapter 4| Unexpected Meeting

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When we returned to the hotel room a note was left on our bedroom door. 

Went to the pool, come down when the concert is done. 

I didn't want to go and they didn't want me to go, but we knew that I should go. Kayla has a mint green bikini, meanwhile Megan has a pink one piece. I on the other hand wore black woman swim shorts with a black long sleeve swim shirt, all while keeping on my converse because I don't wear flip flops. 
"Girls over here!" Dad called for us as we spotted them sitting at a table beside the pool. "How was the concert?" Jared asked as I took a seat beside him. "Amazing!" Kayla didn't let me answer. "The worst thing in the world." I mumble under my breath. "I'm gonna go in the pool." Ty stood up walking away. "Same." Jared followed after Ty. Kayla and Megan saw through Twitter that FIYM was at the pool so they left to go stalk them, soon enough Quill and Dad left to go back to the room leaving me alone. 
I didn't want to go in the water so I decided to walk around the pool instead. I kept my phone in the room because one more drop and it's dead, I can not go the whole vacation without my phone. It's not because of the fact that I can't live without Twitter and Instagram it's more of the fact that I need it to keep in contact with Tristan, Karly, and my mom, oh yeah and YouTube... What I need my Brandon Rodgers and Shane Dawson. 
I was walking by the deepest part of the pool, on the edge. I'm staring down at my feet as they walk one in front of the other. I hear foot steps running in my direction, I don't pay attention it's most likely little kids. They come closer and closer until someone ran straight into me, pulling me into the pool. I would be more mad then scared if I knew how to swim. 

Emery's POV
Liam and Ricky helped me come up with an idea to talk to his dark girl. We saw she was at the pool so we had the idea that I could run into her then pull her into the pool and then we can talk. So Liam and Ricky were chasing, chasing until boom I run straight into her pulling her straight into the pool. 
I swim back up to the top and look around for her. I'm confused when I don't see her, I turn to Liam and Ricky who stood on the side. "Emery!" Liam yelled pointed I turned and saw she was at the bottom of the pool, she can't swim! I quickly dive back under. The water was burning my eyes, but I can't let her drown it was my fault. When I get to her I put both my arms under her arms and push back up to the top. Liam and Ricky are yelling when I get to the top, I hand her off to Ricky as Liam helps to pull me out. 
We lay her down, people are now crowding around us. She's not moving. "She needs CPR." Liam speak up. "I don't know CPR!" Ricky yells back in a panic, I push Ricky aside and start CPR on the stranger girl. Well this is gonna be one way of meeting her for the first time.

Sam's POV
I suddenly shoot up coughing up water, I could hear people suddenly back away. My wet hair stuck to my face as I tried catching my breath. I look to my right and kneeling beside me was that boy, you know that boy, the one who waved to me in the elevator, the one in that boy band, the one that pushed me into the pool. "What the hell!" I yell pushing him backward, he almost falls back but catches himself on his hands. I then notice that the other two were sitting on the other side of me. "Are you okay?" The Carmel haired one asked, I shook my head holding my head because I hit it on the bottom of the pool. "No, I almost just died because this person pushed me into the pool." "I'm Emery by the way." He introduced himself, I rolled my eyes looking at him. "Does it look like I care?" I questioned standing up, they all stood up with me. "I'm not a fucking baby that listens to your Disney crap." I started to walk away, the three of them looked at each other before following after me. "Okay, but are you gonna be okay? Do you need us to walk you back to your room or something?" Emery questioned, I stopped suddenly when I spotted Kayla and Megan across the pool looking for me. I quickly turned around making them jump. "Listen you need to leave or I'm gonna get it." "What do you mean?" Emery asked, I groaned rolling my eyes again. "You are not Justin Bieber." The two others besides Emery laughed. "I am being serious if my step sister sees you with me I'll be dead for talking to her "husbands"" I spoke quote on quote, I started to walk away when Emery grabbed my wrist. "Can I at least have your number?" He asked, I clenched my fist in frustration. I knew he wasn't gonna give up so I spotted a marker on a nearby table, I grabbed it, and wrote my number on his arm along with 
The girl you almost killed 
Before throwing the marker on the table and running away. 

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