Chapter 2~Human World

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After my lesson with my tutor i wondered what to do now to be honest.

Then it came into my mind that i wanted to visit the human world but would my parents let me to go,i wasn't so sure but i had to try,knowing mother would be in the library and father would be in his study.

Mary : "good morning princess aura"

Aura : "good morning Ms Mary"

Mary has been a loyal and wonderful maid even helped mother when she was giving birth to me,also i also see her as a auntie.

After a few discussion with her proceeding to the library,along the way something caught the interest and stopped me in my tracks,but carrying on i eventually arrived at the library then entered.

Aura : "Mother are you here"

Anna : "im here sweetie what is it"

I approached her slowly and then stopped taking a deep breath and exhaling i began to tell her that,i wanted to go to the human world.

Anna : "Aura. you know why i cant let you go there"

Aura : "but mother i want to go and hearing stories from grandmother leah about it"

My mother sighed and then shook her head smiling a little then agreed to let me go but i had to go and ask my father,if he also agreed then i could go.

Aura : "Thank you mother!"

 With excitement i hurried out of the library then headed to my father's study room but along the way i bumped into our butler Michael. 

Michael : "Princess where are you off in such a hurry?"

Aura : "hehehehe that is a secret"

I said then smiled running off eventually reaching father's study room,stopping then knocking on the door softly.

Leon : "Enter"

My father's voice spoke through the other side then slowly opening the door i peeked in my father looked up at me with a smile.

Leon : "Aura sweetie is something the matter?"

Aura : "well um you see"

I came in then closed the door behind me leaning against it softly looking at my father,gathering up my courage i told him that i wanted to visit the human world and mother agreed but i knew that father would be difficult to agree to these things.

Leon : "Aura you know that human world must not know about our being and i am worried that you will tell them"

Aura : "I won't father please trust me"

Leon : "alright you can go but i want you back before sunset got it"

I nodded then opened the door walking out and closing the door then hurried to my room,to change into human clothes so no one can find out that i am a magical being.

Once changed i proceeded into the courtyard and then opened up a portal walking through it

I instantly was in the human world,in which the portal opened up in a park but in a secluded area,as i proceeded through the secluded area i eventually arrived at the main park where it was big and beautiful.

Aura : "wow this is the human world"

I said to myself then proceeded walking through the park,watching the human children playing with each other and some enjoying the day with their families,it was truly a beautiful sight to see,but what i didn't know that i was being watched from the shadows.

To be continued.

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