Chapter 16~The Rescue

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Continuing to hold her in my arms i kissed her head then instantly her colour hair changed from black to a walnut brown colour and her crimson eyes turned to silver,she looked up at me with a smile then kissed my cheek.

Aura : "Yuki.."

A smile appeared on my face and i stroked her beautiful long walnut brown hair same colour as xavier's for some reason the parenting inside of me just took over,as she snuggled close to me once again.

Looking at her maybe the future could be changed and the future me could have her little girl back but i couldn't be sure,but there is something i could do perhaps.

Aura : "Yuki sweetie can you help me to get out of here and then i will help you to change your future"

Yuki : "sure mother lets get going before calem comes"

I nodded then got up proceeded to head out of the tea room with yuki but soon i opened up the door and walked out all of a sudden our arms were held behind our backs by the guards,and we already knew who had command over them.

Calem : "You know princess your a pain in the back side but i commend you for your courage for making it this far"

Aura : "whatever you say calem i will never belong to you!"

Calem : "we will see to that my dear and as for you yuki you are a traitor!"

Yuki : "say whatever you want but i am going to change my future with my mother and everyone else!"

Xavier : "To right we will sweetie"

Knowing that voice i looked over calem's shoulder to see xavier,mother,father,grandmother and grandfather there and finally they were in,calem turned around and growled,the two guards who were holding us instantly they were knocked out by  my father and xavier.

Leon : "sorry we are late sweetie and yuki thank you for telling us"

Yuki : "hehehehe your welcome grandfather"

So that is why she appeared for the first to me she wanted my help and when she didn't know who she was but then when she was gone and later on at the ball when i was taken,yuki remembered who she is and told everyone that night,where to find me and how they could change the future.

To be continued.

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