Chapter 21~Looking to the future

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Aura : "Xavier are you ready"

I called out to him as he smiled then came out of the bathroom wearing a wonderful handsome looking royal attire which was given to him by my father.

Aura : "You look so handsome my love"

Xavier : "and you look beautiful my princess"

Giggling he held out his arm,as i took it we both left the room and headed downstairs then walked through the hallway into the ballroom.

There we greeted guests and had fun dancing also having a drink,as the ball continued on xavier led me out onto the balcony then looked towards me as he went down on one knee.

Aura : "Xavier what are you doing?"

He then pulled out a black box and opened it up as he did a beautiful silver ring was there in the middle,i was speechless then looked at him.

Xavier : "Aura the day we met i fell in love with you and couldn't stop thinking about you and i want to spend rest of my life with you so will you,be my wife."

Aura : "y..yes! of course!"

He smiled as tears fell down my cheeks,as he stood up he took the ring out of the box and slid it onto the my finger.

Looking at the ring on my finger i hugged him as he hugged me back,this was the best night of my life especially with him.

We shared a kiss under the moonlight but it became more passion this time,as we broke the kiss both of us smiled then looked out to the distance,to the future that was going to come even challenges and hardships but we will get through it together.

The end.

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