Chapter 12~The Grand Ball

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After me and xavier returned from the human world one of the guard's who served us for a long time approached us then bowed.

Guard : "Your highness your mother and father would like to see you in the throne room"

I looked at xavier wondering why did they want to see me in the throne room,he smiled then told me not to worry kissing his cheek i proceeded with the guard to where my parent's are.

As i arrived i opened the throne room door and entered.

Aura : "Mother,Father did you call me for me"

Anna : "yes sweetie we wanted to tell you that"

Leon : "we are having a grand ball tonight and many wealthy families and other royals will be coming"

Other wealthy families and other royals were coming to this grand ball,wow what a surprise it was but i had this feeling that it wasn't going to be so simple and i was sure no one was going to follow the rules.

Aura : "Okay mother and father i see you tonight"

I smiled then walked out,walking down the hall until going upstairs in my room to get my dress ready for tonight.

Finally the night came for the grand ball,thanks to the maids help they got me prepared,there was a knock on the door,walking to the door i answered it and to my surprise it was xavier wearing like almost a royal attire look.

Xavier : "May i escort my princess to the grand ball"

Aura : "hehehehe of course you may"

He held out his arm,taking his arm we headed down the stairs and down the hall where we finally arrived at the ballroom,mother,father also grandmother and grandfather were here aswell.

Leah : "Aura sweetie you look so beautiful"

Aura : "thank you grandmother and you also mother look beautiful"

We exchanged words including grandfather,my father and xavier but then we turned to the door as it began to open.

Announcer : "Ladies and Gentleman please welcome the king and queen"

Everyone clapped once mother and father made their entrance,then it was grandmother and grandfather,finally it was me and xavier as we walked to the thrones,as we arrived my father turned around.

Leon : "Thank you everyone who has come please have a good night and a good time"

My father said and the music began to play everyone began to dance with their partner's,father held out his hand to mother who took it with a smile then both of them headed onto the dance floor,along with my grandparents.

Xavier : "shall we dance to my princess"

Aura : "yes my love"

He held out his hand i smiled taking it then gently led me onto the dance floor where one of my hand was on his shoulder and the other one was in his hand,his other hand was on my waist then we began to dance.

To be continued.

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