Chapter 3~Xavier

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Aura : "So this is the human world grandmother told me about"

I said quietly so no one paid their attention towards me and i had to becareful what i say aswell.

Walking through the park then out of the gates on the other side i followed a path that lead into town,there were lots of people about.

Jewellery seller : "You there beautiful young girl interested in our jewellery"

Aura : "huh me?"

I turned my attention towards him and pointed towards myself he smiled then nodded,thinking it was no harm at all i approached his stall and looked at the beautiful jewellery,one caught my eye a beautiful butterfly one.

Aura : "excuse me how much is this one"

Jewellery Seller : "That would be thirty five dollars please"

With no money with me i felt a bit disappointed but then a voice spoke out looking towards me was a brown hair male with sapphire blue eyes,wearing a white shirt,blue jeans,socks and red sneakers.

??? : "how about i buy it for you beautiful lady"

I nodded and thanked him as he paid for the bracelet then placed it on my wrist softly while holding my hand slightly,a blush appeared on my face then quickly pulled my hand away.

Aura : "T..thank you i better go"

??? : "it wasn't a problem"

He said then walked off something about him gave me a bad feeling,i hurried through the town heading back to the park but then a hooded figure appeared infront of me then grabbed my wrist.

??? : "your coming with me"

Aura : "w..who are you let me go!"

I began to scream hoping someone will hear me but the hooded figure laughed as we were the only two in a barrier,struggling more but his grip tightened then began to drag me to a nearby portal.

??? : "hey did your mother ever tell you not to kidnap beautiful girls"

The voice i heard i turned my head to see the same male like the one in town he looked at me and our eyes met,the hooded figure then growled and took out a dagger then held it to my neck.

??? : "If i was you i would leave otherwise this pretty girl will get hurt"

Feeling the dagger closer to my neck i closed my eyes wondering if this is it,but then i heard a groan and opened my eyes to see that the hooded figure was laying on the ground covered in blood.

Aura : "w..who are you"

Xavier : "The name is xavier and your father also your mother sent me to watch over you"

He took my hand and kissed it then placed one hand across his chest and bowed,he looked so handsome and once again a blush appeared on my face once again but much brighter as he smiled at me.

Xavier : "and what is your name princess"

Aura : "my name is aura"

With he smile he scooped me up into his arms then began to carry me back to the portal,why was my heart pounding so much and why was i falling in love with him,could this be love...?

To be continued.

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