Chapter 18~Fairy princess Vs Hybrid

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Opening my eyes i gasped seeing calem laying on the ground injured then looked at myself and feeling my ears noticing i transformed into my fairy form,wings on my back were glowing brightly.

Aura : "Xavier!"

Yelling to him i ran to his side then kneeled down instantly i began to heal him once fully healed,he hugged me close and tightly so did i.

Calem : "This is not over you think a fairy could beat me!"

He yelled as he got onto his feet looking towards calem as he got to his feet,he growled in anger and hatred as he launched a dark orb at us,but a wall of light appeared infront of us blocking the attack.

Aura : "I will beat you calem!"

Getting up i stood infront of xavier then smiled at him then looking at calem he smirked then roared as goo of darkness began to appear and took shape of monsters.

Leon : "Aura we will handle these go and defeat him sweetie"

Looking at my father and everyone else they smiled and nodded,nodding back turning my back attention towards calem in his form wings appeared then the both of us flew high into the sky. 

Once high in enough calem unleashed a dark wind vortex attack towards me,i unleashed a powerful light beam both of our attacks collided creating a explosion.

Yuki : "Mother!"

Leah : "its alright sweetie your mother is strong"

Yuki looked at her then nodded while the battle was continuing up in the sky,the battle of the ground continued on as they fended off the monsters.

Calem : "Impressive princess but not good enough!"

He unleashed more of his power i managed to block and dodge,once again we unleashed another attack and they collided as his attack and mine were pushing back and forth between us.

Calem : "Well princess i must say this you are indeed powerful but it ends here"

He pushed more more of his attack towards me as mine began to become shorter and shorter.

Aura : "I will not lose to you calem that's for sure!"

I know i wouldn't give up i have my family,my love also our child yuki this was the strength i needed to carry on fighting!

In that process more energy of mine was unleashed into the attacks making it growing more and more out weighing calem's but this was not over for a long shot,if i could somehow make him run of out energy quickly then i could finish him off.

To be continued.

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